Statements and Press Releases 2005

June 2005

Joint Statement – June 7, 2005

The following is a joint statement by Solidarity of People’s Movement for Aceh (SEGERA) and the Acehnese People’s Democratic Resistance Front (FPDRA).

The fourth round of Helsinki Talk ended last week. The informal talk resulted in several points of agreement between RI and GAM for drafting the formal agreements.

March 2005

United People’s Alliance – March 2, 2005

At midnight on February 28, the government announced an increase in fuel prices, with the price of Premium petrol increasing from 1,810 rupiah per litre to 2,400 and diesel fuel from 1,650 to 2,300 per litre.

January 2005

FPDRA Statement – January 12, 2005

The desire by the government of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to create an opportunity for a peace agreement and end the armed conflict with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) should be welcomed all elements of society. This positive signal should also be welcomed by GAM.

PRD Statement – January 5, 2005

The real reason why the imperialist government does not pay attention to the human rights violations in Aceh is due to the importance of international capital, such as Exxon-Mobil International, which has a symbiotic relationship with military control and civil bureaucrats in Aceh.