Rahel Narda Chaterine, Ardito Ramadhan, Bogor – TNI (Indonesian Military) Commander General Agus Subiyanto has revealed that village supervisory non-commissioned officers (Babinsa) will be mobilised to oversee the sale of three kilogram liquid petroleum gas
Documents containing the term '3kg LPG'

Deri Dahuri – On Wednesday February 5, thousands of workers who are members of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) and the Labour Party held a demonstration in front of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) offices in Jakarta.

Bagus Kurniawan, Yogyakarta – Scores of people held a protest action opposition the recent increases in basic electricity rates (TDL) and the price of LPG gas canisters in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Saturday August 7. They also called on the government to cancel the price hikes and opposed the use of 3kg LPG gas canisters.

Politicians: My job is to make policy, my job is to procure canisters... my job is this, my job is that...
Man holding gas canister: My job... is to accept my fate...