Purwokerto – The Banyumas People’s Struggle Front (FPR) held a protest action in the Central Java city of Purwokerto to commemorate International Women’s Day which falls today, Friday March 8. Around 50 people took part in action which was held in front of the Purwokerto square.
Documents containing the term 'Agrarian reform'

Jakarta – The Agrarian Reform Consortium (KAP) is asking the government to establish a special body to implement the agrarian reform program. KPA Secretary General Dewi Kartika says that the body should be temporary (ad hoc) and must be personally headed up by the president.

Mulia Ramdhan Fauzani – The word golput or white group – to abstain from voting – has been heard more frequently in concert with the approach of the 2019 legislative and presidential elections. The general narrative that is most often heard is that golput is that it is irresponsible.

Rabul Sawal – Scores of students from the 2019 (Bourgeois) Election Boycott Committee (Komite Boikot Pemilu (Borjuis) 2019), held a protest action rejecting the 2019 presidential and legislative elections (pemilu).

Jakarta – The Nusantara Traditional Community Alliance (AMAN) has accused President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo as the head of state of being neoliberal because his policies are always orientated towards the economic sector.

Jakarta – An explosion of agrarian conflicts between 2014 and 2018 has resulted in many casualties including 41 people killed, 546 people assaulted and 51 people shot.
This data was outlined in the report 2018 End of Year Notes published by the Agrarian Reform Consortium (KPA) on Thursday January 3.

Ninis Chairunnisa, Jakarta – Marking International Human Rights Day, the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has highlighted widespread human rights violations related to agrarian conflicts linked to the government’s infrastructure development program.

Rio Apinino – Police have closed down the Peoples’ Global Conference Against the IMF-World Bank which should have opened earlier today at the Radio Republic Indonesia (RRI) Auditorium in Denpasar, Bali.

Rabul Sawal, Ternate – The Ternate Student Struggle Centre for National Liberation (Pembebasan) collective commemorated National Farmers Day (HTN) which falls on September 24 by organising activities at several higher education campuses in North Maluku.

Jakarta – Protesters commemorating National Farmers Day (HTN) in Jakarta on September 24 have succeeded in holding an action in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta after an earlier demonstration was blocked by police.

Ternate – The group 20 Years of Reformasi, Win Freedom, Equality and Prosperity Committee (Komitmen) held a campaign action commemorating 20 years of reformasi in front of the Gamalama Market in the North Maluku city of Ternate on Monday May 21.

Hanif Mustafa, Bandar Lampung – The Adipura Monument in the South Sumatra city of Lampung was suddenly packed with hundreds of protesting works all wearing red.
The workers, who came from the Lampung People’s Struggle Centre (PPRL) were holding a peaceful action to commemorate International Labour Day (May Day) on May 1.

20 years of reformasi: A reminder of the need to win what has yet to be achieved by reformasi – freedom, equality and prosperity.
Long live the workers! Long live the people!
May 1 is symbolic of our struggle against the tyranny of capital and employers who oppress the working class.

On April 19-20, representatives from some 42 organisations gathered in Jakarta to take part in the People’s Movement Conference (KGR).

Klojen – The Malang and Surabaya city Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) held a rally in front of the Malang city hall in the East Java city on Friday April 7.

The Indonesian People’s Center of Struggle (PPRI) has re-launched the Women’s Struggle Committee of the People (KPPR, Komite Perjuangan Perempuan Rakyat), which had begun to die down over the last few years, to coincide with the momemntum of commemorating International Women’s Day (IWD) which for the last 100 years has been commemorated on March

Makassar – In commemorating May Day 2015, a number of different organisations from the group People’s Solidarity (SORAK) held a peaceful rally underneath the Jl. Jenderal Urip Sumoharjo overpass in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar on Friday May 1.

Jakarta – As many as 18 people from the People’s Struggle Front (FPR) were arrested by the Metro Jaya police at a protest action in front of the US Embassy in Gambir, Central Jakarta.

Palmerah – The number of farming households over the last 10 years has declined by 5.04 million. Over the same period, the number of agribusinesses has grown by 1,475 companies. Meaning a formalisation (formalisasi) has taken place. What is alarming however is that the number of marginal farmers is increasing.

Friends and comrades, all the people of Indonesia, are you aware of the escalating violence that has been taking place in West Papua over the last few days. Terror, violence and intimidation have become the daily face of life for the Papuan people.