Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – The presidential and vice presidential ticket of Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka from the Indonesia Onward Coalition (KIM) does not discuss the issue of the Papua region in its vi
Documents containing the term 'Anies Baswedan'

Novianti Setuningsih, Jakarta – Human rights activist (HAM) Usman Hamid has alluded to the track records of the presidential and vice presidential candidates (capres-cawapres), in particular Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka,

Dipo Negoro – At a press conference held at the Labour Party's executive committee (Exco) office in Jakarta on Wednesday September 13, Labour Party President Said Iqbal announced the names of the (new) choices for the Labour Party's presidential candidates (capres) in the

Jakarta – A protest action by Greenpeace activists at the Hotel Indonesia (HI) traffic circle in Central Jakarta using a giant "oligarchy monster" was broken up by police on Friday October 6.

Wahyu Suryana, Jakarta – The attendance of presumptive presidential and vice presidential candidates Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar at the wedding of Islamic Brotherhood Front (formerly the Islamic Defenders Front, FPI) spir

Jakarta – Labour Party President Said Iqbal has confirmed that they will not support presumptive presidential candidate (capres) former Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan in the 2024 elections following a presidium m

Jakarta – Ahead of the 2024 elections, the political elite who have stepped forward as presidential and vice presidential candidates have begun to outline their promises if elected. These promises have been conveyed publically on several occasions.

Fitria Chusna Farisa, Jakarta – The endorsement or support of a presidential candidate by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo will of course influence voters' political preferences. The head of state's endorsement however is not that significant.

Dipo Negoro – On Sunday August 13, based on data from the IQAir air quality monitoring website at 6 am, the Air Quality Index (AQI) in Jakarta stood at 170 or in the unhealthy category, with high levels of PM2.5 pollutants.

Singgih Wiryono, Jakarta – Former Jakarta governor and presidential hopeful from the Coalition for Change and Unity (KPP), Anies Baswedan, says that the solution to the armed conflict in Papua is policies that create to a sense of justice.

Jakarta – The Capital City Civil Society Coalition held a demonstration in front of the Jakarta City Hall on Wednesday August 16. They were urging the Jakarta provincial government to immediately overcome the worsening problem of air pollution.

Jakarta – Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) President Said Iqbal is furious with a member of Anies Baswedan's Team 8 election campaign team, Sudirman Said, for meddling (mengobok-obok – to ruin, upset, tip over, turn upside down) in the KSPI.

Singgih Wiryono, Jakarta – The Jakarta Independent Journalists Alliance (AJI) has condemned the acts of violence suffered by journalists during a Golkar Party Youth Movement event in Senayan, Jakarta, on Wednesday July 26.

Vitorio Mantalean, Jakarta – The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has highlighted that human rights issues that do the rounds ahead of elections are never concrete or discussed in a substantive manner.

From an oped piece by Sandro Gatra titled Presidential Elections, the Cost of Becoming a Presidential Candidate, and the Issue of the Oligarchy.

Man: It's getting hotter and hotter...
Woman: The weather or the politics?
Billboard reads "Working for the people 2024"
Global warming combined with the El Nino weather phenomenon has seen Indonesia recording some of the hottest weather on record this year.

Jakarta – Labor Party President Said Iqbal says that so far there are no presidential candidates who oppose the Omnibus Law on Job Creation (UU Ciptaker).

Dipo Negoro – The Labour Party (Partai Buruh) organised a three day national working meeting (Rakernas) on January 14-17. The meeting was attended by some 800 Labour Party executive committee representatives from 38 provinces.

Ardito Ramadhan, Jakarta – Confederation of the All-Indonesian Workers Union (KSPSI) President Andi Gani Nena Wea believes that there is no reason for labour organisations to hate Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) leader

Kid: Hey Mr, all these candidates are still without a mate, yeah? (flag reads "2024 elections")