Chandra Iswinarno – Marking 21 years since the still unresolved Wasior Tragedy in Wasior district, Papua, in 2001, the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) notes that incidents of violence in Papua continue to increase.
Documents containing the term 'Attorney General's Office'

Vitorio Mantalean, Jakarta – Resolving gross human rights violations through non-judicial channels or outside of the courts will perpetuate impunity and legal immunity for the perpetrators.

Irfan Kamil, Jakarta – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) says that President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and the House of Representatives (DPR) are the parties most responsible for the decline in public trust in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Jakarta – The Institute for Public Research and Advocacy (Elsam) is urging the state to apologies over past mass gross human rights violations. The Elsam cited the Dutch government which has just recently apologised to Indonesia for committing excessive violence during the Dutch colonial period.

Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) and the Association of Families of Talangsari Lampung (PK2TL) believe that the government of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has failed to side with the victims of gross human rights violations in Talangsari, Lampung, on February 7, 1989.

Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Mahfud MD is asking people to stop urging the government to resolve nine cases of gross human rights violations which occurred before 2000.

Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Mahfud MD has revealed that there has often been a lack of synchronisation between the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) and the Attorney General's Office (AGO) in the process of investigating gross human rights violations.

Jakarta – Corruption eradication during the administration of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has worsened. This was the finding of a survey by Indonesian Political Indicator (IPI) which was released on Sunday January 9.

Yance Agapa, Jayapura – The Papuan people reject the investigation team formed by the state through the Attorney General's Office (AGO) to investigate alleged gross human rights violations in Paniai on December 8, 2004.

MG Noviarizal Fernandez,, Jakarta – The Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) is urging President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to order the Indonesian police chief to fulfill the National Human Rights Commission's (Komnas HAM) recommendation on the 2004 assassination of renewed human rights defender Munir.

Jakarta – Suciwati, the widow of assassinated human rights activists Munir Said Thalib, is continued to fight for justice for her husband. Today, she along with the Solidarity Action Committee for Munir (KASUM), she visited the Attorney General's Office to hand over new evidence in the case.

Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) is urging the Attorney General's Office (AGO) investigation team which is to investigate alleged gross human rights violations during the Paniai incident in Papua to question former TNI (Indonesian military) chief Moeldoko.

Jakarta – The prison sentence handed down against journalist Muhammad Asrul in Palopo, South Sulawesi, on November 23 has raised concerns about press freedom in Indonesia which should be protected by the constitution and specific legislation.

Tatang Guritno, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) is asking the government to take concrete action to resolve human rights violations in the country.

Tatang Guritno, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) says that the public's fear of communism is one of the factors making it difficult to resolve the 1965 tragedy.

Jayapura – Lawyer and human rights activist Veronica Koman has spoken out about the worsening health of Papua activist Victor F Yeimo who has being detained at the Mobile Brigade command headquarters detention centre (Rutan Mako Brimob) for the last three months.

Jakarta – The families of victims of human rights violations say they are disappointed that Presidential Regulation Number 53/2021 on a Human Rights National Action Plan (Ranham) for 2021-2025 does not include past gross human rights violations as a priority.

Jakarta – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) says that the number of cases handled by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in 2020 has plummeted to its lowest level since 2015. As a result in the drop in the number of cases being handled, the [recovery] of state financial losses also plummeted.

Irfan Kamil, Jakarta – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) believes that the obstacles hampering government efforts to handle the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Support Scheme (BLBI) corruption scandal are too complex.

Tatang Guritno, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) says that since 2015 the government has formed numerous bodies and mooted various ideas to resolve cases of past gross human rights violations but in the end they have come to nothing.