Almost 1 thousand women workers from the IndustriALL Indonesia Council Women’s Committee commemorated International Women’s Day (IWD) along the length of the road in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) building in Jakarta on Wednesday March 8.
Documents containing the term 'ILO'

Jakarta – The director general of the International Labor Organisation (ILO) Guy Ryder is convinced that labour issues in Indonesia can be resolved by the government, employees and companies sitting down together.

Ali Akhmad, Jakarta – As many as 29 women’s community groups from the Indonesian Women’s Action Committee (KAPI) commemorated 20 years since the murder of Marsinah by holding a candlelight vigil at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on the evening of May 8.

Putra Prima Perdana, Bandung – Commemorating International Women’s Day (IWD) 2013, some 150 workers, the majority of which were women from the Independent Trade Union Federation (FSPM) and the Bango Soy Sauce Independent Trade Union, held a protest action in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung on Friday March 8.

Anung Wendyartaka – To this day there has yet to be any visible sign of a breakthrough in the improvement of workers’ standard of living. On the one hand, the basic rights possessed by the working class are still felt to be inadequate and on the other, workers themselves appear to fail to appreciate their existence.

Palembang – The impact of the global crisis continues to claim victims around the country as more workers are laid off. In South Sumatra for example, between mid 2008 and early 2009 as many as 2,000 workers have been sent home (temporarily laid off) or dismissed.

Iwan Setiyawan, Jakarta – Workers and employees in Indonesia are still not free to associate. This can be seen from the small number of trade unions in the workplace, that is around 5.8 percent out of a total of 189,000 companies in Indonesia.

Workers from the Greater Jakarta Workers Federation of Struggle (FPBJ) and the Workers Challenge Alliance (ABM) will be holding a demonstration at the representative offices of the United Nations on Jl. Jalan MH Thamrin in Central Jakarta at around 10am today.

Iqbal Fadil, Jakarta – Those of you planning activities in the capital today should be on guard for traffic jams. Nine locations in the city will be enlivened by protest actions by a number of different groups. Where exactly?

Niken Widya Yunita, Jakarta – Are you a woman? A worker? Have you experienced sexual harassment in the work place? If the answer is yes you are not alone. It is estimated that 90 per cent of women workers have been victims of sexual harassment in the work place.