Tuban – A planned regional conference of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) in Tuban, East Java on Wednesday April 18 has failed to take place.
Documents containing the term 'Islamic Court'

Surabaya – Prominent Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) cleric and the caretaker of the Langitan pesantren (traditional Islamic boarding school) in Tuban, East Java, KH Abdullah Faqih has been chosen to lead a group opposing the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas).

[The following is a compilation of abridged translations of protests between November 15-16 against US President George W. Bush's planned visit to the West Java city of Bogor on November 20. Translated by James Balowski.]
No end in sight for Anti-Bush demonstrations in Bogor

Nurvita Indarini, Jakarta – Just because he increased fuel prices, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is facing a class action. Yudhoyono is accused of violating the law by raising fuel prices. Well known Islamic preacher Aa Gym is also being sued.

Adi Warsidi, Banda Aceh – Around 1,000 people from a number of Acehnese social organisations participated in a seminar to discuss a draft law on the organisation of a government in Aceh. The event was held at the Dayan Dawood Building on the Syah Kuala University (Unsyiah) campus in Banda Aceh on October 11.

AK-42, Bireuen – The public flogging of nine convicted gamblers, which took place on the grounds of the Bireuen Grand Mosque on Friday September 9, failed to attract spectators.

Fitraya Ramadhanny, Jakarta – Stigmatised victims of the 30 September Movement/Indonesian Communist Party (G30S/PKI) believe that the Central Jakarta State Court has the authority to try their suit against for four former Indonesian presidents and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Fedhly Averouss Bey, Jakarta – A court hearing of a class action by ex-members of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) was marred by a demonstration by the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). During the action, demonstrators almost broke down the gates to the Central Jakarta State Court.

Jakarta – The Attorney General supports public floggings as punishment for cases of gambling in Aceh. This support was conveyed by the Attorney General when meeting with a number of Acehnese figures last week to discuss Qanun (by-law) Number 13/2003 on gambling which stipulates the punishment of public flogging.

Medan – Punishment in the form of public floggings (hukum cambuk) for Muslims who violate Islamic law in Aceh will soon be implemented.

Ayu Cipta-Tempo, Jakarta – Bay Harkat Jonday Firdaus, a sixth semester English literature student from the faculty of culture and humanities at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) in Ciputat, South Jakarta, could face 10 months jail for insulting the head of state.

Makassar, Kompas – On Tuesday May 5, massive demonstrations and rallies by thousands of students from almost all schools of higher education in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar brought activities in the city to a stand still for the entire day.

Martha Warta Silaban, Jakarta – Hundreds of students and elements from the social movements held a demonstration in front of the national police headquarters at 1pm on Tuesday May 4.

Alisa P, Jakarta – Speaking at the offices of the Dakwah Muhammaddyah, Munir SH, the executive director of Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) said that National Mandate Party (PAN) chairperson Amin Rais must be responsible for the reformasi stalling.

Jakarta – Although optimistic, the chief of the Indonesian armed forces (TNI), General Endriartono Sutarto, has said that there is no guarantee that the 2004 general elections will proceed without security disturbances.

Fedhly Averouss Bey, Jakarta – Allowing ex-political prisoners, in particular ex-members of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), to become legislative candidates brings with it consequences for the security forces. The security forces must work hard to ensure that the bad things which happened in the past are not repeated.

Jakarta – On Wednesday December 10, hundreds of students, youths and non-government organisation activists, victims of land evictions and farmers came out into the streets to commemorate world human rights day.

Protests against the arrival of US President George W. Bush were held today in a number of Indonesian cities. Protests occurred in Solo, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Jakarta, Jember and Makassar. The protests were marked by US flags and posters of George Bush being burnt.
Jakarta – During the period of the government of Megawati Sukarnoputri and Vice-president Hamzah Haz the use of the term political prisoner remains valid. Records since May 2003 indicate that 23 people have been detained as political prisoners, the vast majority being accused of insulting the head of state.

Jakarta – Around 1 million people -- originating form at least 25 political parties and social organisations -- held a demonstration in Jakarta on Sunday, in the framework of opposing the US invasion of Iraq.