I respectfully bow my head
To all of you the victims
Because to you alone I shall bow my head
[But] to the oppressors
Never will I bow in submission
I shall always stand erect
Documents containing the term 'Islamic law'
Parwito, Temanggung – Thousands of tobacco farmers throughout Central Java gathered at the Temanggung regency town square on Monday February 16 to hold a massive protest against the Indonesia Ulama Council (MUI) edict (fatwa) against smoking.
Jakarta – According to Transparency International Indonesia (TII), the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) has become one of the institutions that most frequently accept bribes. Most of this alleged bribery is related to management of halal (kosher, permitted under Islam) certificates.
Ari Saputra, Jakarta – Feeling boxed into a corner by many circles, former National Intelligence Agency (BIN) deputy chief retired Major General Muchdi Purwopranjono ‘has poured out his heart out’ to the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM).
Jakarta – Although admitting that they may contains some truth, statements by a number of public officials on human rights violations during the National Human Rights and State Defense Seminar at the Department of Defence on Thursday December 18 are believed to be incomplete have the potential to mislead the public.
Hery Winarno, Jakarta – The image of the Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS) appears to be starting to fade. At least this what can be read from the results of a survey conducted by the National Survey Institute (LSN), which found that the PKS occupies fourth place among the political parties considered to be most Islamic.
Jakarta – The Talangsari incident in Lampung regency in February 1989 is threatened with the same fate as other cases of gross human rights violations.
The following are statements of objection by three organisations that are part of the Ternate (North Maluku) National Liberation Front (FPN) against statements and releases issue by the Indonesian Student League for Democracy (LMND) and the People's Challenge Alliance (FRM).
[The following is a slightly abridged translation of a statement by the People's Struggle Front (FPR) condemning recent acts of violence by police against peaceful protests opposing the Indonesian government's planned fuel price hikes.]
Greeting of struggle,
Workers from the Greater Jakarta Workers Federation of Struggle (FPBJ) and the Workers Challenge Alliance (ABM) will be holding a demonstration at the representative offices of the United Nations on Jl. Jalan MH Thamrin in Central Jakarta at around 10am today.
Activists from the Indonesian Student League for Democracy (LMND) and the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) in the East Kalimantan city of Balikpapan have been the targets of harassment by the local government officials, police and the military (TNI).
[The following is a compilation of abridged translations taken from Detik.com on demonstrations commemorating nine years since the fall of former President Suharto on May 21, 1998.]
'Get ready for an increase in traffic jams'
Dara, Banda Aceh – A number of women’s activists that are concerned about the fate of women have declared a new local political party that has been given the name the Acehnese People’s Alliance Party for Women’s Concern (Partai Aliansi Rakyat Aceh Peduli Perempuan, PARAPP).
[The following is a compilation of abridged translations taken from Detik.com on the May Day rallies held in Indonesia on May 1.]
State Palace 'attacked en masse' by thousand of workers
Tuban – A planned declaration of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) in the Tuban regency of Central Java yesterday has been canceled. It is understood that this followed threats by a number of Islamic organisations in Tuban and Lamongan regency affiliated with the Anti-Communist Islamic Community Front (FUI-AK).
Medan – A declaration and inauguration by the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) in the North Sumatra provincial capital of Medan has been canceled. The event was planned to be held on the grounds of the Merdeka Medan Square on Tuesday Afternoon.
Kendal -- In the aftermath of the forced adjournment of a regional conference of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas), Papernas’ Kendal regional leadership board (DPD) intends to report the incident to the Central Java regional police.
Surabaya – Prominent Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) cleric and the caretaker of the Langitan pesantren (traditional Islamic boarding school) in Tuban, East Java, KH Abdullah Faqih has been chosen to lead a group opposing the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas).
Medan (SIB) – Dozens of people from the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) demonstrated at Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) in the North Sumatra regional capital of Medan on Tuesday April 10 against the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas).
Nala Edwin, Jakarta – Thugs usually have tattoos and look scary. But one particular kind of thug is different. They wear robes and make people anxious. It is because of this that scores of housewives are calling on the national police to eliminate them.