Dika Moehammad – "In our lives, there is only one thing we have, that is courage. If we don't have that, then what is the value of our lives?" This was a statement by Indonesia's foremost author Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The problem of courage or guts is what we don't have today.
Documents containing the term 'Kartini'

M Iqbal Shukri, Blora – A commemoration of One Century of Pramoedya Ananta Toer will be held in Blora regency, Central Java on February 6. Pram, as he is known, is a writer from Blora who produced more than 50 works.

Icha Rastika, Jakarta – Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Maruli Simanjuntak claims that many local people have asked him for new TNI (Indonesian military) post to be established in regions that he has visited.

Muhammad Naufal, Jakarta – A group of women wearing traditional Javanese clothing joined a protest action by students and workers in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) building in Jakarta on Thursday April 21. April 21 is commemorated in Indonesia as Kartini Day.

On Tuesday July 7, the Women’s Anti-Violence Movement (Gerak Perempuan), which is an alliance of dozens of organisations and individuals, held a protest action in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) building in Jakarta.

Leon Kastayudha – Indonesia celebrates National Mother’s Day on December 22nd. As in other countries, Mother’s Day is a mainstream commemoration filled with gestures of appreciation to mothers, flowers, and or other commercial gifts.

Sasmito Madrim, Jakarta – Jakarta Women’s March chief executive Fahmia Badib says that around 50 groups and communities took part in the annual parade in Jakarta on Saturday April 27.

Surabaya (Bangsaonline.com) – As many as 20 women from various communities joined the women’s parade or 2019 Blitar Women’s March in the East Java city of Blitar where they held a long-march at the Blitar City Square on Sunday April 28.

Manda Firmansyah – The 2019 Jakarta Women’s March, which was held on Saturday April 27, began at the Sari Pan Pasific Hotel in Central Jakarta and ended with a rally at the Aspiration Park at the National Monument. The march around the city centre began at 8 am and made 10 demands.

The 2019 Jakarta Women’s March will be held on Saturday April 27 with the slogan #BeraniBersuara (ReadyToSpeakOut). This year, the action will be held close to Kartini Day – making the birthday of turn-of-the-century feminist hero Kartini – which is commemorated on April 21 each year.

Aprianto Simon, Palu – Scores of students from the Women’s Struggle Front (FPP) commemorated Kartini Day in the South Sulawesi city of Palu on Friday April 21 with a free speech forum and long-march around the Nusantara-Talise pavilion.

Bandung – Activists from the Women’s Liberation Committee of Struggle (KPPP) held a rally to commemorate International Women’s Day (IWD) in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung on Wednesday March 8.

Rina Atriana, Jakarta – Retired Major General Kivlan Zen says that the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) has already been revived and has formed an organisational party structure and has prepared as many as 15 million supporters.

Jakarta, Indonesia – The government sponsored national symposium on 1965 was held in April although reverberations over the forum, which for the first time brought together victims and perpetrators of the bloody 1965 tragedy, are still being felt to this day.

Jakarta – Retired Indonesian military (TNI) officers are planning to organise an anti-PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) symposium on July 2. The anti-PKI symposium is aimed at countering the government sponsored symposium on the 1965 tragedy in April.

Kid (Speaking to nationalist hero and feminist symbol Kartini): In this case there's gender equality right Mrs (vests read KPK prisoners).

Jakarta – The Buru Quartet, four novels by Indonesia’s foremost author Pramoedya Ananta Toer that tell the story of the formation of Indonesia, are still in hot demand as demonstrated by 10 thousand sales of the quartet in just two weeks since it was reprinted in July this year.

Jakarta – Starting in 2015, the wage remuneration system will be revised. Workers will be paid based on education level, productivity, length of employment, achievements and position. Demands for wage increases will only be implemented if a company is profitable.

Denpasar – The commemoration of Kartini Day in Denpasar on Sunday April 21 was enlivened by a protest action by the Balinese Women and Children’s Social Network of Concern (JAMPAP).