Fika Nurul Ulya, Ardito Ramadhan, Jakarta – The Denny JA Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) is recommending that the nomination limit or threshold in the election of regional heads (Pilkada) also be abolished as it was for presidential elections (Pilp
Documents containing the term 'LSI'

Fika Nurul Ulya, Robertus Belarminus, Jakarta – The Denny JA Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) has revealed that the discourse on the election of regional heads (Pilkada) by Regional Representative Councils (DPRD) has received a negative response from the public, with as many as 76.3 percent ex

Vitorio Mantalean, Ardito Ramadhan, Jakarta – Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) Executive Director Djayadi Hanan believes that President Prabowo Subianto's proposal for regional heads to be elected by Regional Houses of Representatives (DPRD) is un

Jakarta – The number of people that did not use their right to vote or golput in the 2024 election of regional heads (Pilkada) was fairly high. In a number of regions, the number of votes for those that won elections was far less than the golput figure.

Novianti Setuningsih, Jakarta – The Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) says that the level of public trust in the honesty and fairness (jurdil) of the 2024 general elections has plummeted a week after the vote on February 14.

Jakarta – A number of political parties (parpol) are certain to stroll into Senayan with ease, although the rest will have to be satisfied with failing to send any representatives to the national House of Representatives (DPR).

Jakarta – The results of an Indostrategic survey released on Friday July 14 show that most people disagree with the national capital (IKN) being immediately moved from Jakarta to East Kalimantan.

Jakarta – The results of a survey by the Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) predict that the Islamic based political parties will record a historically low vote in the 2024 legislative and presidential elections.

Nicholas Ryan Aditya, Jakarta – Parliamentary watchdog Forum of Concerned Citizens for Indonesia's Parliament (Formappi) says that this is not the first time that a survey has shown the public's low level of trust in the political parties (parpol) and the House of Representatives

Amri Amrullah, Jakarta – The Denny JA Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) has released its latest survey on Political Parties and the Growth of Pro-Islamic Law [Voters].

Tatang Guritno, Jakarta – The Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) has conducted a survey on the fatal October 1 tragedy at the Kanjuruhan football Stadium in Malang, East Java.

From an oped piece in by Reza Lukiawan titled The Repeated Corruption by Regional Heads.
Just recently, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has declared another regional head a suspect in a corruption case, namely Papua Governor Lukas Enembe.

Achmad Nasrudin Yahya, Jakarta – The results of a survey by the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) show that the majority or around 60 percent of respondents believe that corruption in Indonesia has worsened over the last two years.

Achmad Nasrudin Yahya, Jakarta – Based on the results of a survey by the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI), the issue of corruption is of most concern to the public among the string of problems the country is currently facing.

Health worker: You also need this Mr so you can be healthy in serving the people.
Label reads: Anti-Corruptus 21 Vaccine. Especially for (money loving) government officials that like bribery, markups and scams.

Penulis Irfan Kamil, Jakarta – The results of an Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) poll shows that 58.3 percent of respondents believe that there has been an increase in corruption over the last two years.

Achmad Nasrudin Yahya, Jakarta – The results of an Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) poll shows that 51.1 percent of respondents are dissatisfied by the performance of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Jakarta – The Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) says that civil freedoms under the administration of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo have tended to worsen. LSI Executive Director Djayadi Hanan said that the worsening of civil freedoms has occurred in concert with a decline in several other democratic indictors.

Ibnu Hariyanto, Jakarta – the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) has released a survey on the public’s level of trust in the president, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the House of Representatives (DPR). The results show that the majority of respondents trust President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and the KPK more than the DPR.

Jakarta – The Denny JA Indonesia Survey Circle (LSI) predicts that the presidential elections (pilpres) in 2024 will be enlivened by a contest between four different ideologies, namely reformasi, political Islam, the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945) and human rights (HAM).