Maryadi, Jakarta – It appears that the flow of traffic in several parts of Jakarta today will be even more congested that usual. At least ten protest actions will besiege Jakarta on Monday December 2.
Documents containing the term 'Medan'
Ramadhian Fadillah, Jakarta – During protest actions, demonstrators usually replace the names of government officials they are protesting against with something bad. But this time it was different, the name of Jakarta governor Fauzi Bowo was instead embellished with the addition of last name of the handsome actor Ari Wibowo.
Suwardiman – “The facts indicated that up until now many political parties have not really taken up the aspirations of the people. The parties have only become a means for a small group of people to take power.
Jakarta – Transsexuals are opposing the Jakarta regional government bylaw on public order that will soon be coming into effect. They say that the bylaw is discriminative and will criminalise the poor and particular social groups, including transsexuals.
Ramadhian Fadillah, Jakarta – Opposition to Draft Bylaw No. 8/2007 on Public Order established by the Jakarta provincial government is continuing. Around 200 buskers, beggars, transsexuals, street peddlers and 3 in 1 jockeys descended upon the Department of Home Affairs building on Monday September 24.
Nadhifa Putri, Jakarta – A transvestite made up in garish dress joined with buskers demonstrating at the Jakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) against the draft bylaw on pubic order that has attracted so much controversy.
Dikhy Sasra, Jakarta – The new bylaw on public order continues to draw protests from various groups, including from student-intellectual circles.
Nurul Hidayati, Jakarta – The offices of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) on Jl. Kalibata in South Jakarta will be the target of demonstrations on Friday September 7, or exactly three years since the murder of Munir, a staunch human rights activist. Two groups who will be demonstrating at the BIN offices.
Anwar Khumaini, Jakarta – A bunch of roses and a wreath of flowers symbolising the death of Munir was handed to officials on guard in front of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) offices. Not one of them however wanted to accept them.
Jakarta – Labour representatives from the Workers Challenge Alliance (AMB) demonstrated at the Supreme Court on Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara in Central Jakarta on Monday August 20.
Hambali Batubara, Medan – Student and social organisations in the North Sumatra provincial capital of Medan demonstrated at the Japanese Consulate and the representative offices of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (PT Inalum) on Wednesday July 18.
Idham Gofur, Jakarta – Scores of housewives and children held a demonstration in front of the State Palace on July 13 calling on the government not to surrender the distribution of milk and sembako (nine basic food items including rice and other staple commodities) to the market.
Siswanto, Jakarta – Around 100 residents from Cengkareng in West Jakarta held a demonstration in front of the State Palace on Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara on Friday July 13. They called on the government to issue a policy to provide subsidies for milk and sembako (nine basic food items including rice and other staple commodities).
Ken Yunita, Jakarta – The government is being asked to be on guard against the arrival in Indonesia of human rights representatives from foreign institutions. This is related to the reemergence of separatist movements in various parts of the country.
Dikhy Sasra, Jakarta – Around 100 people who said they were students originating from West Papua demonstrated in front of the United States Embassy on Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan in Central Jakarta on Thursday July 5. Some of the demonstrators wore traditional clothing and T-shirts with pictures of the Morning Star.
Indra Shalihin, Jakarta – Wearing traditional woven bamboo hats, housewives, farmers and student went to the Constitutional Court on Thursday July 5 to demand that Law No. 25/2007 on Capital Investment be revoked.
Nadhifa Putri, Jakarta – Around 50 people from the Urban Poor Union (SRMK) descended on the Jakarta city hall en masse today.
Indra Shalihin, Jakarta – Stinging criticism by activists from the Indonesian Environmental Forum (Walhi) who accused Forestry Minister MS Kaban of being the architect behind the destruction of Indonesia’s forests has infuriated the minister. The microphone being used by the demonstrators even became the object of a fight.
Nograhany Widhi K., Jakarta – Around 300 people from the Urban Poor Union (SRMK) demonstrated in front of the Constitutional Court on June 6 demanding that the court review Law Number 32/2004 in relation to independent candidates in the election of regional heads.
[The following is a compilation of abridged translations taken from on demonstrations commemorating nine years since the fall of former President Suharto on May 21, 1998.]
'Get ready for an increase in traffic jams'