Arjuno Welirang – Hundreds of professors, academics, students and civil society activists gathered at the University of Indonesia (UI) Salemba campus in Jakarta on Thursday February 27 to issue the "Second Salemba Call, Free Indonesia from Darkness".
Documents containing the term 'Migrant Care'

Tria Sutrisna, Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – The Civil Society Network for Gender Justice Policies is urging House of Representatives (DPR) Speaker Puan Maharani to push through the enactment of the Draft Law on the Protection of Domestic Workers (RUU PPRT).

Abdul C, Jakarta – Every year around the world, June 16 is commonly celebrated as International Domestic Workers Day (IDWD).

[From an oped piece in by Frans Maniagasi titled "Ten Years of Jokowi and Papua".]

Dimas Kuswantoro, Jakarta – The People's Anti-Oppression Front or Bara Api, which is an alliances of various civil society groups in Surabaya, East Java, held a demonstration in front of the Grahadi building (the governor's office) on International Labor Day or May Day, Wednesday May 1, with the theme "Realising the W

Icha Rastika, Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition, which consists of 42 organisations, has reported President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to the Indonesian Ombudsman for alleged maladministration during the 2024 general elections.

Jakarta – Scores of civil society organisations have expressed their opposition to President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's decision to award Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto with an honorary rank of four-star general.

Jakarta – A grouping of civil society organisations fully supports a House of Representatives (DPR) right of inquiry to uncover alleged fraud during the 2024 elections.

Dian Dewi Purnamasari, Jakarta – The civil society coalition is determined not to normalize or condone the massive violations and fraud that took place during the 2024 elections.

Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition is inviting the public to impose ethical sanctions on presidential and vice presidential candidates number 2, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo eldest son Gibr

Jakarta – Hundreds of workers from the 1001 United Trade Union Alliance held a demonstration in the vicinity of the Horse Statue in Central Jakarta on Thursday September 22. The workers arrived at the Horse statue after holding a long-march from Puncak Pass in Bogor, West Java.

Jakarta – Workers from the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance Confederation (KASBI) urged the government to pay attention to working women during a commemoration of International Women's Day (IWD) on Tuesday March 8.

Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia is urging the government – and the police in particular – to tighten supervision of the palm oil industry following the finding of human cage at the home of non-active Langkat Regent Terbit Rencana Perangin Angin.

Jakarta – Although it has received appreciation in accepting a formal test of a law for the first time in its history, the Constitutional Court (MK) has still been criticised over ruling Number 91/PUU-XVIII/2020 on a judicial review of Law Number 11/2020 on Job Creation (UU Ciptaker).

Jakarta – The Labour Movement with the People (Gebrak) is urging the government and the House of Representatives (DPR) to halt the deliberations on controversial draft laws such as the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation and the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) in the midst of the corona virus epidemic.

Jakarta – Mother’s Day, which is commemorated on December 22 each year, has different meanings. There are some who see it as a form of respect for the contribution by mothers and wives who struggle to take care of the family.

Jakarta – The Palm Oil Workers Coalition (KBS) has criticised the government for not involving workers in efforts to resolve the crude palm oil (CPO) dispute between Indonesia and the European Union. Yet the government frequently uses palm oil plantation works as a “shield” in the dispute.

Jakarta – The younger brother of missing radical street poet and labour activist Wiji Thukul, Wahyu Susilo, is urging presidential hopeful Prabowo Subianto to go to the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) and testify on the abduction and the forced disappearance of democracy activists by the Rose Team in 1997-98.

The Timber and Forestry Trade Union (SPKahut) is demonstrating at the House of Representatives (DPR) demanding the payment of back wages and severance pay from a pulp and paper company owned by Prabowo Subianto.

Jakarta (Antara) – A protest action against the execution of migrant worker Muhammad Zaini Misrin was held at the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Jakarta on Tuesday March 20.