Shinta Maharani, Amirullah, Yogyakarta – Dark Indonesia demonstrations were held by the Indonesian diaspora in the cities of Melbourne and Berlin on Saturday March 1.
Documents containing the term 'Mulyono'

Yogyakarta – Protesters from the Jogja Calling Alliance taking part in a protest action titled #Withthepeople (#Bersamarakyat) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta highlighted the song "Pay Pay Pay" (Bayar Bayar Bayar) by the punk band Sukatani which has recently been withdrawn from all streaming se

Mulyono Sri Hutomo – The Campus Employees Union (SPK) took part in commemorating 100 years of Pramoedya Ananta Toer at an event titled A Century of Pramoedya Ananta Toer at the Taman Ismail Marzuki arts and culture centre in Jakarta on Saturday Fe

Mediana – A total of 238 people out of 257 workers in six industrial sectors claimed that their monthly wage is not enough to meet the necessities of life. As many as 200 people or 78 percent of these are trapped in debt in order to survive each month.

Ilham Rian Pratama, Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition commemorated five years since President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo "killed off" the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) during an action held in front of the KPK Red and White building in South Jakarta on Monday September 30.

Jakarta – A regional General Elections Commission (KPUD) commissioner has revealed the threats made by KPU national Commissioner Idham Holik so that they would change the status of the Indonesian People's Wave Party (Gelora), the Nusantara Awakening Party (PKN) and the Garuda Party so they could take part in the 2024 elections.

On February 20 the International Women’s Day Joint Committee alliance held an action at the Gajah Mada University (UGM) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta. The action was launched in response to developments in a case of sexual violence against a female UGM student known as Agni by fellow student HS in 2017.

Usman Hadi, Yogyakarta – Advocates and the legal team supporting a Gajah Mada University (UGM) student who was the victim of rape during a student community placement program (KKN) on Seram Island have objected to the use of the term “peaceful resolution” in an agreement reached between the perpetrator and the victim facilitated by the UGM unive

Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – Amnesty International is urging TNI (Armed Forces) chief Air Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and Army Chief of Staff (KASD) Lieutenant General Mulyono to ignore provocative calls by former TNI chief retired General Gatot Nurmantyo and others in the political elite to hold public screenings of the film G30S/PKI on September 30 this y

Siti Ruqoyah – TNI (Armed Forces) chief Air Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto has finally responded to the challenge by former TNI chief retired General Gatot Nurmantyo to hold public screenings of the film G30S/PKI.

Jakarta – Former TNI (Armed Forces) chief Nurmantyo has challenged the current TNI commander Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and Army chief-of-staff (KSAD) General Mulyono to again hold public screenings of the film about the September 30 Movement/Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) coup on September 30, 1965, usually known as G30S/PKI.

Yakub Mulyono, Jember – Hundreds of students from the Muhammadiyah 5 Vocational High School (SMK) in Jember, East Java, have uninstalled WhatsApp (WA) from their mobile phones as a form of protest because WA can access content that contains pornography.

Miftahul Khoer, Jakarta – The Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) has disclosed that there are at least 35 retired generals supporting the Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla or Jokowi-JK presidential ticket.

Jakarta – Aceh has almost become the “forgotten” war. Because of this, Acehnese students believe that is necessary to hold demonstrations in Jakarta to remind people of the issue. Yesterday, at the Hotel Indonesia roundabout, scores of Acehnese activists demonstrated over the fate of several recently arrested colleagues.

Ahmad Fikri, Jakarta -- West Bandung (West Java) police have arrested Mohammad bin Toyib (26) who they say is the adjutant of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) finance minister.
This was revealed to journalists by the head of the West Bandung police, Eddy Mulyono, at the Bandung police headquarters on Tuesday March 2.