Medan – Aside from Jakarta, demonstrations by students and civil society activists rejecting the enactment of the Draft Law on the Indonesian Military (RUU TNI) also took place in various other cities across Indonesia -- from the far west to the far east.
Documents containing the term 'Sukatani'

Shinta Maharani, Amirullah, Yogyakarta – Dark Indonesia demonstrations were held by the Indonesian diaspora in the cities of Melbourne and Berlin on Saturday March 1.

Farid Nurhakim, Jakarta – Not only have they come from inside the country, but statements of support for the Dark Indonesia (#IndonesiaGelap) actions have also come from Indonesian students studying overseas.

Intan Setiawanty, Linda Trianita, Jakarta – Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) Chairperson Muhammad Isnur believes that the move by police to force the punk band Sukatani to apologise for the song "Pay Pay Pay" (Bayar Bayar Bayar) is a form of silenc

Protesters began gathering at Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) arts and cultural centre in Cikini on Friday afternoon, February 21, ahead of the climax of the Dark Indonesia actions at the Horse Statue in Central Jakarta.

Jakarta – "Dark Indonesia" (Indonesia Gelap) student actions have again hit the streets on Thursday February 20 in a number of regions around the country after the first, second and third day of demonstrations on Monday February 17, Tuesday February 18 and Wednesday February 19.

Yogyakarta – Protesters from the Jogja Calling Alliance taking part in a protest action titled #Withthepeople (#Bersamarakyat) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta highlighted the song "Pay Pay Pay" (Bayar Bayar Bayar) by the punk band Sukatani which has recently been withdrawn from all streaming se