Jakarta – The House of Representatives (DPR) has finally approved the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) on the requirements for the nomination of regional heads in accordance with the Constitutional Court's (MK) ruling on Sunday August 25.
Documents containing the term 'Surya Paloh'

Jakarta – As many as 50 anti-corruption activists and former employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) have sent letters to a number of political party leaders to encourage them to initiate a right of inquiry into allegations of fraud in the

Fabian Januarius Kuwado, Jakarta – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) has re-launched the Track Record (RekamJejak.net) website to expose information and the curriculum vitae of the hundreds of legislative candidates running in the 2024 el

Novianti Setuningsih, Jakarta – Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) General Chairperson Megawati Sukarnoputri and National Democrat Party (Nasdem) General Chairperson Surya Paloh have expressed concerns ahead

From an oped piece by Sandro Gatra titled Presidential Elections, the Cost of Becoming a Presidential Candidate, and the Issue of the Oligarchy.

[The following is an abridged translation of a statement by the United Socialists (Perserikatan Sosialis, PS) in response to Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's January 11 public statement in which he officially acknowledged that gross human rights violations have taken place in Indonesia and expressed his regret over these incidents.]

Tatang Guritno, Jakarta – The ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) should open itself up to other political parties following the meeting between National Democrat (Nasdem) Party General Chairperson Surya Paloh and Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) Party General Chairperson Prabowo Subianto.

Zakki Amali – The accusations by Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) have been proven true after the passing of several weeks. The former infantry major accused Moeldoko, a retired TNI (Indonesian military) general, of meeting with leading Democrat Party members and prepared a coup d'etat to take over his leadership of the party.

Heru Haetami and Resky Novianto, Jakarta – The nine political parties backing the government have agreed that they do not want President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to issue a government regulation in lieu of law (Perppu) to annul the recently revised Corruption Eradication Commission Law (UU KPK).

Jakarta – President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo stated recently that he would consider calls by civil society to issue a government regulation in lieu of law (Perppu) to annul the recently revised Corruption Eradication Commission Law (UU KPK).

Angga Yudha Pratomo – Presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto seemed furious on Wednesday July 9 after he invited media crews to his residence in the Bojong Koneng village area in Hambalang, Bogor, West Java. He didn’t shy from making insinuations against media that don’t support the Number 1 ticket.

AK-41, Bandung – The Acehnese community from the Bandung Community of Acehnese Families (Keluarga Masyarakat Aceh Bandung, Kamaba) will hold an all-Java Acehnese Society Dialogue Forum on August 7 in Bandung with the theme “The role and attitude of Acehnese civil society in Java Island on the Helsinki negotiations”.

Jakarta – The New Order regime [of former President Suharto] which was brought down by the wave of demands for reformasi in 1998, is returning to power though the 2004 general elections.

Maryadi, Jakarta – The Committee to Guard against the New Order (Komite Waspada Orde Baru, KWOB) has put forward 10 conditions for presidential candidates for the period 2004-2009. One of the conditions is that a presidential candidate does not come from one of the New Order [regime of former President Suharto] political parties.