On Monday May 8, Coordinating Minister for Politics, Security and Legal Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Wiranto, Justice and Human Rights Minister (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly, Home Affairs Minister (Mendagri) Tjahjo Kumolo and National Police Chief (Kapolri) General Tito Karnavia issued a statement at the security affairs ministry on the dissolution of th
Documents containing the term 'TNI'
Syahdan Alamsyah, Sukabumi – Indonesian military (TNI) chief General Gatot Nurmantyo says that the simultaneous 171717 events that are to be held nationwide on August 17 at 5pm, which are being initiated by the TNI, will be a love and affection (kasih saying) action that will involve all religious elements, particularly Muslims as the majority r
Fabian Januarius Kuwado, Jakarta – President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has reaffirmed that the state ideology of Pancasila is the one and only ideology that is acceptable in Indonesia.
Muhammad Nur Abdurrahman, Makassar – A candlelight vigil for Jakarta governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama in front of the Stella Maris Hospital in Losari Beach, Makassar, was forcibly broken up by members of the South Sulawesi Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and Makassar Islamic Students Association (HMI) on the evening of Saturday May 13.
Badriyanto, Jakarta – Indonesian military (TNI) chief General Gatot Nurmantyo was relaxed in response to news that there is a West Papua people’s petition seeking to separate West Papua from the Unitary State
Armed Forces (TNI) chief General Gatot Nurmantyo says that the TNI is still looking into whether or not the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) can be categorised as a social organisation (Ormas) that is anti-Pancasila.
Surya Anta – The term red trade union is perhaps one that seems rather odd and worthy of debate. But the use of the term red trade union is indeed a reality in Indonesia.
The Islamic Defenders Front’s (FPI) Banten Regional Representatives Council (DPD) held State Defence Preliminary Training (PPBN) in the Lebak regency of Banten, West Java, on Thursday January 5.
Melki Pangaribuan, Jakarta – Through an unpretentious press conference at the offices of the Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) in Jakarta on Thursday November 29, the Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua (FRI-West Papua) declared its support for self-determination for the people of Papua, which they refer to as the West Papuan nation.
Ternate – Police claim that demands raised by the Pro-Democracy Social Movement (Gema Pro-Demkrat) during a rally in Ternate, North Maluku to commemorate Youth Pledge Day on October 28 were an act of treason.
M Andika Putra, Jakarta – Some 27 victims of human rights violence from the ‘65 Forum visited the Social Affairs Ministry (Kemensos) to convey their opposition to former President Suharto being made a national hero.
Poso – The Central Sulawesi Indonesian People’s Center for Struggle (PPRI) held a free speech forum at the Clock traffic circle in Poso city on Wednesday October 19.
Cianjur – Scores of workers employed at the beverage company PT Tirta Sukses Perkasa in Cianjur, West Java, are calling for an end to the involvement of the TNI (Indonesian military) in an industrial dispute they are currently embroiled in.
Silvanus Alvin, Jakarta – President Joko Widodo or Jokowi attended a fast breaking event with TNI (Indonesian military) officers at the TNI’s headquarters in Cilangkap, Jakarta, where he took the opportunity to reaffirm that he will not apologies to former members of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).
Arnold Belau¸ Jayapura – As many as 101 Mobile Brigade (Brimob, paramilitary police) personnel from the East Java regional police (Polda) were sent to West Papua on Monday May 16. The blue-beret troops were deployed with the primary duty of protecting the Freeport gold mine from all types of disturbances.
Selfy Momongan (Magang), Jakarta – The recent raids against Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) related paraphernalia and books have attracted the special attention of the National Library (Perpusnas) with acting Perpusnas head Dedi Junaedi supporting the censorship of books containing leftist ideas.
Jakarta, Indonesia – The government sponsored national symposium on 1965 was held in April although reverberations over the forum, which for the first time brought together victims and perpetrators of the bloody 1965 tragedy, are still being felt to this day.
Jakarta – The owners of books related to communism have been asked to hand them over the government. According to Defense Minister retired General Ryamizard Ryacudu, prohibitions on such material also covers documents circulating on the internet.
Jakarta – Retired Indonesian military (TNI) officers are planning to organise an anti-PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) symposium on July 2. The anti-PKI symposium is aimed at countering the government sponsored symposium on the 1965 tragedy in April.