Singgih Wiryono, Jakarta – Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) research and mobilisation division head Rozy Brilian says that the Indonesian government always refuses to hold a dialogue with Papuan armed criminal groups (KKB).
Documents containing the term 'TPNPB'

Jakarta – West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Movement (TPNPB-OPM) spokesperson Sebby Sambom has responded to a request by the chairperson of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), Be

Singgih Wiryono, Jakarta – Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) Coordinator Fatia Maulidiyanti says that the humanitarian pause negotiated by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has failed to provide a solut

Vitorio Mantalean, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) has warned that establishing additional regional military commands (Kodam) in the five new Papuan provinces will only worsen the humanitarian situation in the land of the Cenderawasih, as Papua is known.

Singgih Wiryono, Jakarta – National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Chairperson Ahmad Taufan Damanik has denied that the Free Papua Organisation (OPM) commander they met with recently was from a group cultivated by the TNI (Indonesian military) and the Polri (Indonesian police).

Ardi Bayage, Yahukimo – The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) rejects violence in the struggle for West Papuan liberation. This was conveyed by KNPB spokesperson Ones Suhuniap on Saturday July 23 when speaking with Suara Papua.

Jakarta – The Papua People's Council (MRP) says that a Coordinating Ministry for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs (Kemenko Polhukam) deputy told them that the creation of new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua is to narrow the space for the West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Movement (TNPB-OPM) to move.

Vitorio Mantalean, Jakarta -– The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) enacted three draft laws on the creation of three new provinces in Papua at a plenary meeting on Thursday June 30, namely, South Papua, Central Papua and the Papua Highlands.

Vitorio Mantalean, Jakarta – The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) has finally spoken out over allegations that mortars it imported from Serbia were dropped on villages in Papua in 2021.

Yance Agapa, Nabire – The Papua Peace Network (JDP) is asking the Indonesian government to end the armed conflict by pursuing a path of dialogue.

Jayapura – The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) has declared that it rejects the violent approach which continues to be applied by Indonesia in the land of Papua.

Jayapura – The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) says that a persuasive approach which the state will apply though the security forces in the land of Papua is a tired old tune which is being played again with the start of the new year.

Jakarta – The Papua Council of Churches says that the Indonesian government is still choosing the path of violence in dealing with the armed conflict in Papua.

Arnold Belau, Jayapura – On November 15 the Papua Institute for Human Rights Studies and Advocacy (ELSHAM Papua) sent an open letter to President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo expressing concerns about the current situation in the land of Papua.

Jayapura – "Since it was first established on November 19, 2008, the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) has always been confronted by many challenges including attempts at criminalisation and disbandment by the state through the institutions of the TNI [Indonesian military] and Polri [Indonesian police]."

Atamus Kepno, Jayapura – One hundred and ninety-four Catholic leaders from across Papua have explicitly called for an end to military operations in Papua. The Pastors hope that dialogue and reconciliation will be the solution to resolve the prolonged conflict in Papua.

Jayapura – The International Coalition for Papua (ICP) has released its latest report on human rights violations in Papua between July and September 2021.

Jakarta – Papua human rights activist and lawyer Veronica Koman says there are two versions of what happened during an attack by the West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organisation (TPNPB-OPM) on health workers in the Kiwirok district, Star Highlands, Papua.

Jayapura – West Papua National Committee (KNPB) spokesperson Ones Suhuniap is asking the Papua regional police to retract a statement that the KNPB are planning to disrupt the 20th National Gamers (PON XX) in Papua next month. According to the KNPB, this is a public lie and intended to shape public opinion.

Stevanus Yogi, Paniai – The West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organisation (TPNPB-OPM) is asking President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and his government to reexamine the TPNPB-OPM's line of march which it has been pursuing since it was formed in 1965 until now.