Rohmat, Denpasar – The commemoration of International Labour Day in Bali was commemorated by a number of different student organisations. Workers however were absent from the protest.
Documents containing the term 'UI'

Indra Subagja, Jakarta – The National Republic Party (Partai Nasrep) has registered itself with the Department of Justice and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM).

Ari Saputra, Jakarta – Reports of moves by member of the House of Representative’s (DPR) Commission I on defense, foreign affairs and communication to overturn the United States ban on Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin entering the US has been criticised by human rights victims.

Jakarta – Indonesia is currently facing a second phase of deindustrialisation. One of the indicators is the dependency on foreign companies. Renegotiation of the Asean-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) will not be effective in overcoming the problem of national deindustrialisation.

A sound mind in a corrupt body – a play on the famous Latin quotation mens sana in corpore sano (a sound mind in a healthy body).
T-shirt reads: Preparations for the 26th Southeast Asian Games

Muchus Budi R., Solo – Scores of protesters from the group People’s Solidarity Against Violence (Sorak) have condemned the violence that took place during a clash between the Indonesian military (TNI) and Urutsewu farmers in Kebumen regency, Central Java.

Jakarta – Conflicts between the Indonesian military (TNI) and the people shows that internal reform within military as an institution is not fully complete. The security approach, like the era of Suharto’s New Order regime, is still being used by the TNI, particularly when confronted by problems.

Hendra A Setyawan, Jakarta – The discourse on the simplification of political parties such as by increasing the parliamentary threshold (the minimum number of votes required to obtain a seat in the national parliament) is the principle challenge facing new political parties seeking to get into the parliament through the 2014 general elections.

Parwito, Kebumen – A video of a clash between the Indonesian military (TNI) and residents of Urut Sewu in the area of the army’s Research and Development Office (Dislitbang) in Kebumen regency is being circulated. Released by the Urut Sewu Kebumen Farmers Advocacy Team (TAPUK), it is an amateur video recording taken by a Kebumen resident.

Parwito, Kebumen – Only 16 percent of the ownership of all the land controlled by the Indonesian military in Indonesia is clear. The ownership of the remainder, 84 percent, is unclear and to this day is still the subject of disputes with local people.

Adi Lazuardi, Jakarta – It is predicted that the authority provided to the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) under the draft intelligence law could give rise to new rivalry between the national police, particularly in anti-terrorism projects.

Leaves read: Bank Century scandal, corruption, new parliamentary building, human rights, XYZ mafia.

1st Man: How come they’re taking so long to deal with it?
2nd Man: Perhaps they only just found out!

Jakarta – The deliberations on the Draft State Intelligence Law cannot be separated from the historical context of the role of intelligence agencies in past cases of human rights violations.

1st Man: What are you, a thug, a terrorist, a loan shark, or a cop?
2nd Man: A debt collector!

Yogyakarta – Scores of demonstrators from the North Maluku-Yogyakarta Special Province Student Alliance for Weda held a protest action at the zero point intersection in the heart of the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Monday April 4.

Jakarta – It would be better if the deliberations on the Draft Law on Land Acquisition for Development be delayed while legal uncertainty over the control of land by communities remains unclear.

Man: A new and luxurious building, which we do indeed need to show that... our nation is rich... our people are affluent and prosperous!

Corruption, poverty, tax mafia, Century, Lapindo, judicial mafia, criminality, political intrigue, human rights, drugs, indecisive leadership, apathy, Yogyakarta polemic, comparative studies etc...

Jakarta – Threats against workers, democracy and human rights activists have increased in 2010. This includes threats against journalists, which have begun to face threats to their lives. Conversely, cases of threats and violence against human rights and democracy activists are never able to be resolved.