Sign on electric chair: For corruptors
Rat: Don’t worry okay, the power’s a total mess...
Sign on electric chair: For corruptors
Rat: Don’t worry okay, the power’s a total mess...
Men: Long live elections for regional heads!! Long live democracy!!
Man: …Now we’re free to join any party we want including… the Golput Party!!
Golput – Meaning to abstain from voting or not marking the ballot paper.
Jakarta – Indonesian people appear to be getting even richer. In the midst of a difficult situation it is precisely the wallets of a small handful of Indonesian’s that have become fatter.
Pekanbaru – Around one thousand farmers attended the opening of All Indonesian Farmers and the National Peasants Union (STN) Extraordinary Congress that was held at the Bukit Square in the Senapelan sub-district of Pekan Baru on Wednesday June 25. The event started at around 2pm.
Ballot box: Promises, promises, promises, promises, promises
Rafiqa Qurrata A, Jakarta – The plan to eliminate Munir was reportedly hatched during a National Intelligence Agency (BIN) leadership meeting that took place in 2004. Muchdi Purwo Prandjono – who at the time was Deputy Chief V at BIN – was actually nothing more than the executor.
Rafiqa Qurrata A., Jakarta – The deputy chairperson of the House of Representatives Commission III on law and human rights, Soeripto says the plan to assassinate Munir was put together during a National Intelligence Agency (BIN) meeting in 2004. At the time, Munir was included in the category ‘G” list or a ‘problem’.
Malang – Munir’s family, who live in the East Java city of Malang, have expressed their appreciation to the government for the progress made in the investigation of the murder of the human rights activists.
Dummy: …Dual positions! A conflict of interest? No way!!
Man: For the sake of the party… for the sake of KKN… for the sake of… all the more for me!
Jakarta – The naming of former National Intelligence Agency (BIN) deputy Muchdi Purwo Prandjono as a new suspect by police in the murder of human rights activist Munir should be commended.
Jakarta – With the naming of former National Intelligence Agency (BIN) deputy Muchdi Purwo Prandjono as a suspect in the Munir murder case, it is appropriate that police be commended.
Jakarta – Human rights organisations the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), the Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) and Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) have called on the Indonesia-East Timor Commission of Truth and Friendship (CTF) to immediately hand over the results of its work and those that the institu
Rika Panda, Jakarta – Starting from today, Monday June 16, the planned schedule for protest actions or demonstrations by the public in and around Jakarta will no longer be published though the interactive media to the broader public.
Jakarta – Activists throughout Indonesia will change their strategy in the war against the government, which they say is issuing policies that bring suffering to the people. They will no longer wage war in a spontaneous manner, but unit to fight against government policies that fail to side with the poor.
Sign on desk reads: Corruption Eradication Commission.
Businessperson Artalyta Suryani (left) was later sentenced to five years jail for bribing prosecutor Urip Tri Gunawan (right) to drop an investigation into a Bank Indonesia Liquidity Support Scheme embezzlement case. Gunawan was subsequently sentenced to 20 years.
West Bandung – The investigation into the murder of human rights fighter Munir continues to roll along. A new suspect linked with the case has emerged although the national police are keeping the individual’s identity confidential.
Television: Euro Cup 2008
Father: Today we’ll just “eat” soccer okay kid...
Jumadi, Makassar – The elections for mayor and deputy mayor in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar is heating up. An activist from the South Sulawesi Indonesian Poor People’s Union (SRMI), Wahidah Baharuddin Upa, has declared that she will nominate himself to enliven the Makassar municipal electoral contest.
Vice President Jusuf Kalla: Dual positions? Totally legit...
Men: Got any openings Boss?
Folder reads: Job application.
Joniansyah, Tangerang – The increase in the price of fuel in late May has resulted in the collapse of thousands of small- and medium-scale enterprises (SME) in Tangerang regency. Around 50 percent out of 17,353 SMEs in the region have closed down due to bankruptcy.