Jakarta – The Human Rights Defenders Coalition is urging President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to immediately order Indonesian police chief (Kapolri) General Idham Azis to put an end to violence by officers against environmental activists during the corona virus pandemic.
Documents containing the term 'food security'
Lani Diana Wijaya, Jakarta – Papua activist Paulus Suryanta Ginting – one of six defendants being tried for treason – says that police provided logistical assistance for demonstrators protesting in front of the State Palace.
Waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waaa!
Jakarta – The Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) head of organisational development, Febriyonesta, has criticised police for declaring eight people as suspects for flying the Morning Star flag during a protest action in front of the State Palace on August 28.
On Friday the 21st of June 2019, the Ministry of Education and Culture resolved to work collaboratively with the Indonesian National Armed Forces in disseminating material to new students during school orientation week.
Jakarta – The Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) says that the deployment of the TNI (Indonesian military) and Polri (Indonesian police) personnel to help extinguish forest and land fires (Karhutla) fails to address the root cause of the problem.
Haris Prabowo – It will not only be senior students and teachers who will be guiding new students during school orientation programs. Even the TNI (Indonesian military) – whose principle duty is defense and war – will now be involved.
Jakarta – In the lead up to the commemoration of International Labour Day or May Day on May 1, the Palm Oil Workers Coalition (KBS) has again called on the government and companies to fulfill the rights of workers employed in the palm oil sector.
Jakarta – An independent team called the Nduga Case Investigation Team has reported a number of alleged human rights violations (HAM) during the military operations conducted by the TNI (Indonesian military) and Polri (Indonesian police) in Nduga regency, West Papua.
From an oped piece titled The Sugar Industry’s Economic Rentierism
Indonesia is the world’s second-largest sugar importer behind China and imports have doubled over the last 10 years. Last year, less than half the sugar consumed in Indonesia was grown domestically.
Jakarta – Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) political observer Hermawan Sulistyo believes that promoting the achievements of Suharto’s New Order (Orba) regime in the 2019 presidential elections will not prove attractive to the millennial generation.
Kid: How come all we do is import rice?
Farmer: Yes, well, if we didn’t we’d be dead (scarecrow reads “rice data hoax”)
A polemic has erupted over the importation of rice verses self-sufficiency with supporters of presidential challenger Prabowo Subianto using the issue to attack incumbent President Joko Widodo.
Bulukumba – Hundreds of farmers from the Bulukumba People’s Struggle Front (FPR) in South Sulawesi commemorated National Farmers Day (HTN) with a protest action in front of the Bulukumba regent’s office on Monday September 24.
Rabul Sawal, Ternate – The Ternate Student Struggle Centre for National Liberation (Pembebasan) collective commemorated National Farmers Day (HTN) which falls on September 24 by organising activities at several higher education campuses in North Maluku.
Jakarta – Protesters commemorating National Farmers Day (HTN) in Jakarta on September 24 have succeeded in holding an action in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta after an earlier demonstration was blocked by police.
Puti Aini Yasmin, Jakarta – The Jakarta provincial government (DKI) through the company PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya is importing garlic from China. Approximately how much will this garlic cost by the time it reaches the Indonesian market?
Tsarina Maharani, Jakarta – The Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) has ordered the withdrawal of several brands of canned mackerel because they contain tapeworms.
Health Minister Nila F Moeloek however says that the tapeworms are not a big problem for the human body as long as they are cooked properly.
Shorts read ‘broker’, wave reads ‘Salt Imports’
Man (right): No Sir, not food imports... what’s important is our candidates are local
Arm bands read ‘Success Team (election campaign team)’, list reads ‘Presidential election candidate formulation’.
Alpen Martinus, Tondano – Scores of Manado State University (Unima) students from the Student Struggle Centre for National Liberation (Pembebasan), the Minahasa Progressive Women and individual pro-democracy activist held a solidarity action at the Unima main gate on Monday November 27.