Muhammad Nur Abdurrahman, Makassar – A candlelight vigil for Jakarta governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama in front of the Stella Maris Hospital in Losari Beach, Makassar, was forcibly broken up by members of the South Sulawesi Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and Makassar Islamic Students Association (HMI) on the evening of Saturday May 13.
Documents containing the term 'social media'
Arbi Sumandoyo – “Jakarta is filthy. We have to be macho. Jakarta is filthy. It must be cleaned up... must be cleaned up”, shouted a speaker through a loudspeaker from a command vehicle on May Day in front of the Jakarta City Hall.
“So make a pile. All in one place. We’ll clean the City Hall of these unclear messages...”
Ahmad Fikri, Bandung – Actions by a variety of groups celebrating Labour Day or May Day on May 1 in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung were centred on Jl. Diponegoro in front of the Sate Building, the West Java governor’s office.
Badriyanto, Jakarta – Indonesian military (TNI) chief General Gatot Nurmantyo was relaxed in response to news that there is a West Papua people’s petition seeking to separate West Papua from the Unitary State
Mehulika Sitepu, Indonesia – Police used water cannons to disperse a rally by Papuan near the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on Thursday December 1.
Yogya – An event organised by the MAP Corner-Klub MKP in the lobby of the Public Administration Master’s Program at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta proceeded in an unexpected manner on Tuesday October 4.
Jakarta – On Wednesday September 14 the Social Movement for Democracy (GEMA Demokrasi) called on Facebook to take responsibility for revisions to the 2008 Electronic Information and Transactions (UU ITE). This is because of the many internet and Facebook social media users that have been indicted under the law.
Tribunners – House of Representatives (DPR) Commission X member Anang Hermansyah is questioning the excessive behaviour of security personnel in securing a Superman is Dead (SID) concert at the State Senior High School (SMAN) 1 in Tabanan, Bali, on Saturday August 20.
Ignoring widespread calls for an independent inquiry following allegations by executed drug convict Freddy Budiman that the National Police, National Narcotics Agency and the military were involved in running his operations, which was revealed on social media by rights activist Haris Azhar who they have subsequently reported to police on charges
Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) labour activist Iswan Abdullah A Siata is paying close attention to the communist movement that has begun to reemerge in Indonesia of late.
Mei Amelia, Jakarta – The Kebayoran Baru sectoral police have questioned a clothing trader in the Block M shopping district of South Jakarta for selling T-shirts with pictures of the hammer-and-sickle.
Based on the results of the questioning, no indications were found that the trader was spreading treason (maker).
Andrian Salam Wiyono – A commemoration of International Labour Day or May Day was also held in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung where journalists from various different trade unions demonstrated in front of the governor’s office on Jl. Diponegoro on May 1.
Jakarta – Former Army Strategic Reserves Command (green berets) Chief of Staff (Kaskostrad) Kivlan Zen claims that the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) is trying to rebuild its forces in order to reestablish a presence in Indonesia.
Aulia Bintang Pratama, Jakarta – A national meeting of the Institute for the Study of the 1965-1966 Massacres (YPKP 65) that was to be held mid next week in the Central Java city of Salatiga has been postponed following death threats against organising committee members.
Oktovianus Pogau, Tolikara – The president of the Indonesian Evangelical Church (Gereja Injili di Indonesia, GIDI), Reverend Dorman Wandikmbo insists that the letter issued by the regional GIDI in the Tolikara highland district of Papua that has been circulating in the mass media and social networks is forgery or hoax.
Writing on wayang figures: Money politics, [electoral] fraud, horizontal conflicts, smear campaigns
Man: Stay calm, it’s safe...
Sandy Adam Mahaputra, Syahrul Ansyari – The president of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI), Said Iqbal, is demanding that three social organisations in Bekasi, West Java, be held accountable for an attack on workers who were holding a peaceful demonstration.
Sherr Rinn – Between 2010-12 there was an awakening of the Indonesian labour movement that can be seen in the writings of people such as Danial Indrakusuma, Rahmat, Tarikh, Hidayah and Rekomendasi.
Yogyakarta – The murder of four prisoners at the Cebongan prison in Sleman, Yogyakarta, could potentially be used for political image building. This can be seen from widespread efforts to garner public support and divert the issue away from one of human rights violations to the eradication of thuggery.
Sanusi: Rape? They might enjoy it right?
Man: It seems we all enjoy opening pornographic websites right Mr...