Austerity & Privatisation

July 2013

Kompas – July 10, 2013

Man: Best wishes in fulfilling the obligations of the holy fasting month

Kompas – July 5, 2013

Basket reads “Prices going up”

Soaring inflation resulting from the government’s widely criticised decision to increase subsidised fuel prices is already impacting on household consumption – which contributes around 60% to GDP growth – with the World Bank saying economic growth will fall below 6% for the first time in two years.

June 2013

Kompas – June 26, 2013

Man: Prices are under control... there’s a ‘driver’ right

Kompas – June 22, 2013

Kid: BaLSeM. Warm... provides instant relief for kerokan (after oiling and scraping the body) and soreness!

Kompas – June 19, 2013

Man: Will it reach its target, no, yes? (chest reads Fuel Compensation Funds, book reads 2013 State Budget)

Kompas – June 15, 2013

Man: Simalakama fruit is sweet too right Mr? (a play on the saying “Like eating Simalakama fruit, if you eat it your father will die, if you don’t your mother will die”)

April 2013

News/Indonesia – April 21, 2013

Heru Sri Kumoro, Jakarta – Scores of workers from the Association of Independent Trade Unions (GSBI) commemorated Kartini Day on Sunday April 21 with a protest action at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta.