Having emasculated the Corruption Eradication Commission, the only state institution to have proven itself effective in aggressively pursuing corrupt officials, judges, generals and politicians, by suspending its most aggressive commissioners and replacing them with more 'compliant' chiefs in February, President Widodo's announcement of a new ta
Corruption & Abuse of Power
Displaying 301-310 of 474 Articles
October 2016
Man in Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prison jacket: He he he... I can duplicate real money without having any mystical powers (ilmu ga'ib)
September 2016
Man: The mistake was selecting them [as candidates] Mr! (Hats read: governor, regent, mayor, political dynasty, Rp)
Kid: Politicians don't have to set a good example right Dad?
August 2016
Ignoring widespread calls for an independent inquiry following allegations by executed drug convict Freddy Budiman that the National Police, National Narcotics Agency and the military were involved in running his operations, which was revealed on social media by rights activist Haris Azhar who they have subsequently reported to police on charges
Man: Fake vaccines, fake graves, fake garbage, fake diplomas, fake duty stamps, fax police officers, fake religious tolerance, fake health care and social security, fake love...
Kid: What's the only thing guaranteed not to be fake? Bribe money!!
April 2016
Kid (Speaking to nationalist hero and feminist symbol Kartini): In this case there's gender equality right Mrs (vests read KPK prisoners).
February 2016
Kid: Is it to empower or weaken who Dad?
January 2016
Dentist: We have to do routine checks on your dental health Mr... so you're not prone to losing all your teeth!
December 2015
Man: It’s like they use the state as a game... (arm reads Gangster Elite)