Corruption & Abuse of Power

Displaying 461-464 of 464 Articles

January 2004

News/Indonesia – January 14, 2004

Arif Shodiq Pujiharto, Jakarta – Around 50 people from the group Youth Community Mistrusts the Elections (Kaum Muda Tidak Percaya Pemilu) held a demonstration at the offices of the National Elections Commission (KPU) in Jakarta on Wednesday January 14 demanding that the KPU have the courage to bring rotten politicians to court.

October 2003

Kompas – October 21, 2003

Jakarta – Prospective presidential candidates who are involved in cases of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN), as well as those who have been involved in violations of human rights will not get support from the public.

September 2003

Kompas – September 10, 2003

Jakarta – It is hoped that society will be on its guard against the possibility that Regional Representative Assemblies (DPD) will not become an platform for “old” politicians to make a come back.

Kompas – September 2, 2003

Jakarta -- The reform movement which has the principle aim of eliminating corruption, collusion and nepotism can no longer be left to the large political parties who obtained significant votes in the 1999 general elections. After almost five years in power, not one objective of reformasi has been carried though by the big parties.