Jakarta – Dozens of people calling themselves the Sidoarjo Youth Movement (GPS) held a protest action at the Sidoarjo National Land Agency (BPN) offices on Thursday January 30 to highlight the case of 656 hectares of sea area with right to build (HGB) certificates in the Sidoarjo Sea
Environment & Natural Disasters
Displaying 1-10 of 210 Articles
January 2025
Jakarta – It has been revealed that a number of sea areas in Indonesia are recorded has having right to build (HGB) permits and land ownership certificates (SHM) after the polemic over the sea fence off the coast of Tangerang regency surfaced and came into the public spotlight.
Adil Al Hasan, Agung Sedayu, Jakarta – The Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) believes that there has been a potential violation of the law related to the issuance of land rights certificates for sea areas where the sea fence off the coast of Tangerang regency, Banten, was erect
December 2024
Hans Arnold Kapisa (Contributor), Jakarta – Environmental activist Sulfianto Alias, the director of the non-government organisation (NGO) Panah Papua, suffered serious injuries after being brutally beaten on the morning of Friday December 20 in Bintuni Bay regency, West Papua.
November 2024
Jayapura – The struggle by Papuan indigenous people to save their customary forests from the invasion by corporations and the government has become harder after legal efforts reached a dead end with the Supreme Court's (MA) rejection of the Awyu tribe's appeal which challenged the environmental feasibility permit issued
September 2024
Jakarta – A number of civil society organizations together with representatives of indigenous peoples have submitted a juridical review of Law Number 32/2024 on the Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and their Ecosystems (KSDAHE Law) with the Constitutional Court.
Arif Ferdianto, Jakarta – The government has officially reopened the sea sand export tap after a 20-year moratorium. The restoration of sand sea export shows the government's panic in trying to increase non-tax state revenue (PNBP).
Arif Ferdianto, Jakarta – The Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) believes that the government's decision to reopen the tap of sand sea mining will bring with it financial losses for the state.
June 2024
Agus Pabika, Jayapura – The Papua Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) has condemned the repressive actions by police against a peaceful protest by the Bali Papua Community Student Association (IMMAPA) and the Bali city committee of the Papua Student Alliance (AMP) on Monday June 10.
Reiner Brabar, Sorong – Indonesian social media has been enlivened by the call "All Eyes on Papua" which has gone viral over the last few days and attracted an extraordinary amount of attention.