Film & Television

September 2018

CNN Indonesia – September 30, 2018

Jakarta – An event organised by the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) titled “Prayer for the Salvation of the Nation” at the National Monument (Monas) in Central Jakarta on the evening of Saturday September 29, closed with a public screening of the G30S/PKI film.

August 2018

Wawasan – August 5, 2018

Joko Santoso, Purbalingga – A short film by a student whose family were victims of the 1965 anti-communist purge has won best fictional film at the 2018 Purbalingga Film Festival (FFP).

The awards were conferred on Saturday evening, August 4, at the Purbalingga Square.

May 2018

Detik Hot – May 25, 2018

Monica Arum, Jakarta – It is no easy thing to take the story of Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s This Earth of Mankind from a novel and put it on the big screen. Screenwriter Salman Aristo says that the writing the script has become the most challenging point.

March 2018

Detik News – March 21, 2018

Datuk Haris Maulana, Aceh – Since the armed conflict broke out up until a peace agreement was reached, to this day Aceh still does not have any cinemas. People from Tanah Rencong – as Aceh is known – who want to watch the latest films have to leave Aceh or wait until they are released on movie websites.