Jakarta – Protesters commemorating National Farmers Day (HTN) in Jakarta on September 24 have succeeded in holding an action in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta after an earlier demonstration was blocked by police.
Food Security & Agriculture
Displaying 21-30 of 53 Articles
September 2018
July 2018
Puti Aini Yasmin, Jakarta – The Jakarta provincial government (DKI) through the company PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya is importing garlic from China. Approximately how much will this garlic cost by the time it reaches the Indonesian market?
March 2018
Tsarina Maharani, Jakarta – The Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) has ordered the withdrawal of several brands of canned mackerel because they contain tapeworms.
Health Minister Nila F Moeloek however says that the tapeworms are not a big problem for the human body as long as they are cooked properly.
Shorts read ‘broker’, wave reads ‘Salt Imports’
February 2018
Man (right): No Sir, not food imports... what’s important is our candidates are local
Arm bands read ‘Success Team (election campaign team)’, list reads ‘Presidential election candidate formulation’.
September 2017
Teacher: Now children, this is what used to be called a farmer (plaque reads: already threatened with extinct)
October 2016
With only around 10% of government spending being allocated to maintain and repair the country's dilapidated irrigation systems and improve farmers' capacity by providing farm equipment, seed and fertilizers, President Widodo's much touted goal of making Indonesia self-sufficient in food production and end its dependency on imports (Impor) is fa
August 2015
Man on cow: Independence! Truck reads ‘Imports’
Politician: 2016 self-sufficiency in rice!
Farmer: So where’s the water?
July 2015
Rochimawati, Arie Dwi Budiawati – Although the nominal wage of agricultural and urban informal workers increased in 2015, their real wages declined.
The nominal wage of agricultural workers nationally increased by 1.15 percent from 46,386 rupiah a day in May to 46,458 a day in June 2015.