Muhammad Nur Hayid, Jakarta – An action by hundreds of people from Indonesian Farmers Youth (Pemuda Tani Indonesia, PTI) became heated when demonstrators broke down the gates and forced their way into the national parliament building while hundreds of police stood ready to contain them.
Foreign Affairs & Trade
Displaying 1-8 of 8 Articles
November 2005
Arin Widiyanti, Jakarta – The importation of rice from Vietnam which is being done by Bulog (the State Logistics Agency) with the permission of trade minister Mari Elka Pangestu, has been opposed unconditionally by hundreds of farmers.
September 2005
Sunariah, Jakarta – Former army chief of staff, General Ryamizard Ryacudu, has warned that there is a potential threat that could undermine the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) being posed by a number of neighbouring countries such as Australia, Singapore and Malaysia.
August 2005
Jakarta – A number of non-government organisations (NGOs) have declared their opposition to the formation of the Indonesia-East Timor Truth and Friendship Commission (KPP).
April 2005
Ahmad Alheid, Menado – Dozens of students from a number of organisations in the North Sulawesi city of Menado held a demonstration opposing the Asia Africa Conference on Friday April 22. They believe that the conference agenda is taking a soft line on neo-imperialism.
Bagus Kurniawan, Yogyakarta – Dozens of students from the Indonesian Youth Front for Struggle (Front Perjuangan Pemuda Indonesia, FPPI) held an action supporting the Asia Africa Conference on Thursday April 21 but called on the conference not to become just a reunion or stage for nostalgia.
Indra Shalihinl, Jakarta – Don’t try to hold a demonstration during the Asia Africa Conference because Jakarta must look beautiful.
January 2005
Mawar Kusuma, Jakarta – The People’s Representative Assembly (DPR) is to continue urging the US government to lift the arms embargo on Indonesia. This was revealed by the chairperson of the DPR’s defense commission, Theo Sambuaga, to Tempo when contacted by telephone on Sunday afternoon, January 16.