Free Trade & Neoliberalism

Displaying 71-80 of 80 Articles

February 2020

News/Indonesia – February 28, 2020

Achmad Nasrudin Yahya, Jakarta – Three trade union confederations have agreed to revive the Indonesian Trade Union Council (MPBI) to fight the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation.

Suara Yogya – February 26, 2020

Putu Ayu Palupi, Galih Priatmojo – Hundreds of workers from the Yogyakarta and Central Java United Workers Communication Forum (FKBB) held a demonstration at the Yogyakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) on February 26. The action was held to oppose the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation.

CNN Indonesia – February 21, 2020

Jakarta – A number of civil society groups which reject the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation (RUU Ciptaker) have been intimidated by people from different groups.

Detik News – February 12, 2020

Jauh Hari Wawan S, Yogyakarta – Protesters who said they represent workers from across the Central Java province of Yogyakarta demonstrated at the Yogyakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) today calling for the cancelation of the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation which they said will harm workers.

Kompas – February 4, 2020

From an op-ed piece titled Focus on Investment Growth

January 2020

KBR – January 20, 2020

Lea Citra, Adi Ahdiat, Jakarta – The Labour Movement with the People (Gebrak) is urging the government to cancel plans to enact the Omnibus Law on Job Creation (Cilaka). Gebrak spokesperson Ilhamsyah says that the regulation will only benefit employers while harming workers’ groups.

News/Indonesia – January 13, 2020

Akbar Ridwan – Demonstrators from the Workers Movement with the People (Gebrak) held a protest action in front of the parliamentary complex in Senayan, Central Jakarta on Monday. During the demonstration, the workers conveyed their opposition to the Omnibus Law on Job Creation which is currently being pushed through by the government.

Indonesia Inside – January 13, 2020

Muhajir, Jakarta – Hundreds of workers from the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance Confederation (KASBI) held a protest action in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) in Jakarta coinciding with the end of the parliament’s recess period on Monday January 13.

News/Indonesia – January 9, 2020

Rizki Febianto – Cross-Factory Labour Federation (FBLP) Chairperson Jumisih says that workers from various different sectors will continue to hold demonstrations if the government is truly determined to push through the ratification of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation.

Media Indonesia – January 9, 2020

At least 100 workers from the Jakarta Labour Movement (GBJ) held a rally in front of Post 9 in the North Jakarta port of Tanjung Priok on Thursday January 9.

The workers were opposing the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation which has now entered the final stage of deliberation.