Freedom of Speech & Expression

Displaying 451-460 of 469 Articles

March 2007

Tempo Interactive – March 21, 2007

Rini Kustiani, Jakarta – A volunteer who has been working in Aceh since the tsunami disaster submitted a judicial review of the hate sowing articles in the Criminal Code to the Constitutional Court on Wednesday March 21.

KP-Papernas – March 4, 2007

At around 3pm today (March 4) protesters calling themselves the Indonesian Anti-Communist Front (FAKI) attacked the East Java Regional Conference of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) in Batu City, East Java.

December 2006

News/Indonesia – December 12, 2006

Elistiawaty, Jakarta – Not satisfied with the Constitutional Court’s decision of only abolishing the articles on insulting the president, former political prisoners are demanding that the articles on insulting the government also be abolished.

October 2006

News/Indonesia – October 5, 2006

Try, Jakarta – Who knows if it’s just for fun or has a political purpose, but T-shirts with a picture of the hammer and sickle (the symbol of the Indonesian Communist Party or PKI) are circulating in several parts of East Java. The T-shirts are even being sold in public.

March 2006

News/Indonesia – March 1, 2006

Iqbal Fadil, Jakarta – After arresting six activists during a demonstration at Plaza 89 in South Jakarta yesterday, police have renewed the hunt for activist they believe infiltrated the group of indigenous Papuans protesting against PT Freeport Indonesia.

December 2005

News/Indonesia – December 5, 2005

Gede Suardana, Denpasar – A sentence of five months jail and 10 months probation is being sought by the prosecution for 12 Udayana University students from the People’s Struggle Front for Democracy (Front Perjuangan Rakyat untuk Demokrasi, Frontier).

News/Indonesia – December 4, 2005

Supriyono Pangribowo, Jakarta – The offence of insulting the president is being used again. This time an activist from the Indonesian National Student Movement (GMNI), Monang Johanes Tambunan, has been charged for making a rude remark about President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

November 2005

Tempo Interactive – November 27, 2005

Imron Rosyid, Solo – Police assisted by members of the TNI (Indonesian military) broke up actions by three student groups and workers who were holding demonstrations to greet the arrival of Vice President Jusuf Kalla at the Indonesian Teachers Union anniversary commemoration in Solo on Sunday November 27.

September 2005

Media Indonesia – September 27, 2005

Shanties, Jakarta – Indonesian police have identified the presence of infiltrators in social groups who will demonstrate against fuel price increases on October 1. It is suspected the infiltrators will provoke the pubic during demonstrations and incite them into anarchistic acts.

May 2005

Tempo Interactive – May 12, 2005

Ayu Cipta-Tempo, Jakarta – Bay Harkat Jonday Firdaus, a sixth semester English literature student from the faculty of culture and humanities at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) in Ciputat, South Jakarta, could face 10 months jail for insulting the head of state.