Hard-Line & Militia Groups

December 2023

News/West Papua
Suara Papua – December 6, 2023

Reiner Brabar, Sorong – The gagging of democratic space that continues to occur in Indonesia shows the failure of claims that Indonesia is a democratic country. Democracy and human rights have suffered a decline, and even the right to civil space is shrinking with the curbing of freedom of expression.

September 2023

Republika – September 28, 2023

Wahyu Suryana, Jakarta – The attendance of presumptive presidential and vice presidential candidates Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar at the wedding of Islamic Brotherhood Front (formerly the Islamic Defenders Front, FPI) spir

April 2023

News/West Papua
CNN Indonesia – April 7, 2023

Makassar – A demonstration by Papuan students commemorating 56 years of PT Freeport Indonesia in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar on April 7 was broken up by the Indonesian Muslim Brigade (BMI) and a biker gang as the protesters were marching towards the Mandala Monu

News/West Papua
Detik Bali – April 3, 2023

Aryo Mahendro, Denpasar – The Bali Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) has slammed the attitude of the police for allowing a clash to occur between the Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) Bali and the social organisation (ormas) the Nusantara Garuda Patriots (PGN)

News/West Papua
Bali Express – April 2, 2023

I Dewa Gede Rastana, Denpasar – A clash broke out between the Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) Bali committee, which was intending to hold a demonstration articulating the issue of human rights, and the social organisation the Bali Nusantara Garuda Patriots (PGN) on Saturday April 1.