Pes Yanengga, Jayapura – On Monday September 30 Papuan Student Solidarity held a protest action on Jalan Kamwolker in Jayapura, Papua, in which they expressed their rejection of the 1962 Rome Agreement.
New York Agreement & 1969 Referendum
Displaying 1-8 of 8 Articles
September 2024
August 2024
Larius Kogoya, Sentani – Leading members of the West Papua Council of Churches (WPCC) consider the installation of banners celebrating the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, which used the names of church figures and WPCC leaders, as a strategy by the state to cover up violence and silence of
Nabire – West Papua National Committee (KNPB) member Gerson Pigai says that 101 KNPB activists who took part in demonstrations and were arrested by the Nabire District Police (Polres) on Thursday morning, August 15, including three others who were arrested prior to this for handing out leaflets, have now all been release
Activists from the West Papua National Committee or the KNPB returned to the streets for their 14th action on Thursday August 15, to commemorate the 1962 New York Agreement, the day when power over West Papua was transferred from the Netherlands to Indo
Jayapura – The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) is urging the Nabire District Police Chief (Kapolres) to release four KNPB activists who were arrested when they were handing out leaflets on Monday August 12 for a protest action on August 15 to commemorate the New York Agreement
May 2024
Elisa Sekenyap, Jayapura – A peaceful demonstration by Papuan students in the Balinese provincial capital of Denpasar on Wednesday May 1 to commemorate the day Papua was annexed into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) has been blocked and repressed by police.
Jayapura – The West Papua National Committee (KNPB), the All Indonesia Papuan Central Highlands Indonesian Student Association (AMPTPI), the Papua Indonesia High School and University Student Association (IMPIP) and the Indonesian Student League for Democracy (LMID) in Gorontalo province held a
Jayapura – Eight civil society organisations from the Papuan People's Front (FRP) held a peaceful demonstration on Jalan Gunung Fanindi in Manokwari, West Papua province, on Wednesday to commemorate 61 years since the annexation of the Papuan nation (May 1, 1963 to May 1, 2024).