Khaerudin, Nasru Alam Aziz, Jakarta – The disparity and gap between those who are rich and poor in Indonesia is clearly illustrated by data on the control of national productive assets.
Displaying 3481-3490 of 5071 Articles
April 2012
Jakarta – Speaking in Jakarta on Wednesday April 18, Indonesian Military (TNI) headquarters information centre chief Rear Admiral Iskandar Sitompul said that intelligence personnel on duty in Papua do indeed have its own chain of command.
Jakarta – Because the government has failed to fulfill its promise of agrarian reform, the process of rural proletarianisation continues unabated. Rural communities, the majority of whom are farmers that once owned land, have begun to loose their source of income because they no longer have control over land.
March 2012
Tomi Sujatmiko, Yogya – Scores of housewives from the Political Union of the FIXX Poor (Persatuan Politik Rakyat Miskin, PPRM) demonstrated against the government’s proposed fuel (BBM) price hikes in front of the Gedung Agung Presidential Palace in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Saturday March 17.
Jakarta – The proposed banning of mini-skirts in an around the House of Representatives (DPR) was one of the issues taken up in an action commemorating International Women’s Day in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta on Thursday.
Medan – The commemoration of International Women’s Day on March 8 was enlivened by a demonstration by scores of women in front of the North Sumatra Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) in Medan. The protesters said that women are still treated unjustly and subordinated in numerous ways.
Danar Widiyanto, Yogya – The ideals articulated during the momentum of International Women’s Day (IWD), which is commemorated each year on March 8, totally contradict the reality of women’s lives in Indonesia. Indonesian is also one of the few countries where the government fails to protect or provide welfare to women.
Mahfudz Jufri, Palu – Hundreds of people from the National Police Crisis Center for Violence against Women and Children (CC-Kapak) held a protest action commemorating International Women’s Day on Thursday March 8. During the action, they presented a gift of 500 underpants to Central Sulawesi police chief Brigadier General Dewa Parsana.
Yogyakarta – The commemoration of International Women’s Day (IWD) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Thursday was marked by a protest action by hundreds of women from the Indonesian Women’s Movement (Gerakan Perempuan Indonesia, Gepari) voicing their demands on the grounds of the Yogyakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD).
Jakarta – The fact is that sexual violence against women often occurs in the workplace. Iswarini, the spokesperson for the Women’s Justice Forum (Forum Keadilan Perempuan, FKP), says many women workers report being victims of sexual violence at work.