Judi Prasetyo, Jombang – Workers from the Independent Indonesian National Front for Labour Struggle (FNPBI-Independen) have agreed to boycott the coming July 8 presidential elections by not using their right to vote or to golput.
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July 2009
Jombang – Thousands of workers have declared their opposition to participating in the July 8 presidential elections. The agreement emerged out of a mass meeting and consolidation by hundreds of trade union representatives held today at the Youth Social Development Building in Jombang, East Java.
A hundred or so people from the Volunteers of People’s Struggle for the Liberation of Motherland (SPARTAN) demonstrated at the General Election Commission (KPU) offices in Central Jakarta on Wednesday July 1. They were demanding that the KPU disqualify neoliberal presidential and vice presidential candidates.
June 2009
Amanda Ferdina, Jakarta – Six protest actions are scheduled to mark the start of the week in Jakarta and surrounding areas. The mass actions will take place both in the morning and afternoon, so watch out for traffic jams.
Bandar Lampung – The Lampung province I regional leadership board (DPD) of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) is calling on its members to block presidential and vice presidential candidates that are pro-neoliberalism. They are also inviting the people to build a national coalition government for national self-sufficiency.
Up until now, Dita Indah Sari has been known as a labour activist, while Vice President Jusuf Kalla is known as a business person.
Kurniasih Budi, Jakarta – A group of workers who have declared themselves as a voluntary team to support Jusuf Kalla and Wiranto believe that Kalla’s performance has been better than the other presidential candidates.
Caroline Damanik, Jakarta – Labour activist Dita Indah Sari believes that presidential and vice presidential candidates Jusuf Kalla and Wiranto (JK-WIN) are the partnership that most connects with workers.
Moksa Hutasoit, Jakarta – As many as three public demonstrations will accompany the activities of Jakarta residents today. Two among them will be silent protests.
May 2009
Rachmadin Ismail, Jakarta – Hundreds of demonstrators from the Workers Challenge Alliance (ABM) held an protest action on May 21 opposing the candidates running for the July 8 presidential elections because none of the candidates are pro-people.