
Displaying 3941-3950 of 5068 Articles

May 2008

News/Indonesia – May 24, 2008

Irwan Nugroho, Jakarta – The police attack on the University of Indonesia campus this morning has left those who witnessed it dumb founded after they watched hundreds of police officers surround some 50 or so students, who were then beaten, stripped naked and forced into trucks.

News/Indonesia – May 24, 2008

Indra Subagja, Jakarta – As soon as the price of fuel was officially increased at 12 midnight, 26 people from the People’s Struggle Front (FPR) held a protest action in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta.

Kompas – May 22, 2008

Jakarta – Waves of protesters commemorating 10 years of reformasi took to the streets on Wednesday May 21. At least 6,000 people from a number of mass and student organisations gathered at the State Palace and the House of Representatives (DPR) between 11am and 6pm. The protesters presented seven people’s demands to the government.

Detik/Tempo – May 21, 2008

[The following is a compilation of abridged translations from and Tempo Interactive covering protest actions around the country on May 21 against the Indonesian government's planned fuel price increases.]

Anti-fuel price hike protest in Bogor ends in clash

News/Indonesia – May 18, 2008

Nurvita Indarini, Jakarta – A number of organisations are endeavouring to thwart the government’s plan to increase the price of fuel and are planning to besiege the State Palace in Central Jakarta on May 21 (the 10th anniversary of the overthrow of former President Suharto) and June 1.

Waspada Online – May 17, 2008

Medan – Hundreds of protesters from the National Liberation Front (FPN) demonstrated at the North Sumatra Regional House of Representatives building and the offices of the North Sumatran governor on Friday May 16 against the government’s plan to increase fuel prices by 30 percent.

News/Indonesia – May 15, 2008

Nograhany Widhi K, Jakarta – Devide et impera. It appears that the strategy of pitting one side against the other during the Dutch colonial period is still not out of date – including in the lead up to the government’s planned fuel price increases.

News/Indonesia – May 15, 2008

M. Rizal Maslan, Jakarta – The government doesn’t need to be concerned about the massive demonstrations by students opposing planned fuel price hikes. Rather, the real danger will be if hungry people take to the streets.

Kompas – May 15, 2008

Jakarta – Workers in the 1-3 million rupiah per month wage group will be further squeezed if the planned fuel price increases come into effect. This is not just because real wages are steadily declining, but also because workers face the possibility of being dismissed due to the economic pressures confronting industry.

News/Indonesia – May 15, 2008

Nograhany Widhi K, Jakarta – A former director of the State Intelligence Coordinating Body (Bakin), Dr. A.C. Manullang, says he is not surprised by the statement by National Intelligence Agency (BIN) chief Syamsir Siregar that the demonstrations against the government’s planned fuel price hikes are being taken advantage of.