Bagus Kurniawan, Yogyakarta – Accompanied by the beat of drums, West Papuan students danced and sang following a protest in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Wednesday July 4 in which they rejected special autonomy saying it had failed.
Displaying 4151-4160 of 5066 Articles
July 2007
Bagus Kurniawan, Yogyakarta – The Morning Star continues to be used as a symbol of struggle by West Papuan students in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta. Students and police were also involved in an argument after students refused a police request to remove the symbols. Students even blockaded the road.
Nadhifa Putri, Jakarta – Around 50 people from the Urban Poor Union (SRMK) descended on the Jakarta city hall en masse today.
M. Rizal Maslan, Jakarta – Hundreds of banners appealing to the Jakartan pubic not to be easily enticed by the promises by made by candidate governors and deputy governors have been put up across the city.
Indra Shalihin, Jakarta – Stinging criticism by activists from the Indonesian Environmental Forum (Walhi) who accused Forestry Minister MS Kaban of being the architect behind the destruction of Indonesia’s forests has infuriated the minister. The microphone being used by the demonstrators even became the object of a fight.
Indra Shalihin, Jakarta – Because environmental destruction, humanity is becoming muddy and angry. Scores of these ‘mud people’, formed up in a circle pounding their feet on the ground as they danced and shouted.
“Literary history must be won back. Culture as a priority for the people must be won back.
June 2007
Haryanto Kurniawan, Jakarta – Stipulations on the establishment of political parties contained in the draft law on political parties will make things more difficult and conflicts with the principles of freedom of association and assembly.
Iqbal Fadil, Jakarta – The construction of the Muria nuclear power plant (PLTN) in Central Java continues to attract criticism from various circles who say the construction as bring a new catastrophe to the Indonesian ecology and a disaster to the environmental sustainability.
Imran, North Aceh – Residents of the Mee village in the sub-district of Syamtalira Aron, North Aceh, have discovered the remains of what they believe to be part of a skeleton of a person killed during the period of conflict.