Tedi Hikmah, Jakarta – A non-government organisation concerned with upholding human rights, Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial), believes the government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has taken a selective approach and has not supported efforts to uphold human rights.
Displaying 4411-4420 of 5066 Articles
January 2006
Triono Wahyu Sudibyo, Semarang – Fuel price increases at the end of last year are still resulting in “casualties”. Based on 2006 data from the Surabaya Social Revelation Foundation (Yawas), at least 2,786 workers in Central Java are threaded with dismissal.
Luhur Hertanto, Jakarta – There is cause for concern. The level of work-related incidents in Indonesia appears to still be high. Data from the state insurance company PT Jamsostek notes that between 2004-2005 there were 95,418 work-related accidents. Of this total, 1,336 were fatal.
Tedi Hikmah, Jakarta – The non-government organisation Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) has again raised questions about the investigation of gross human rights violations that have taken place in Aceh.
Radzie, Banda Aceh – The earthquake and tsunami at the end of 2004 and the signing of the peace agreement between the Indonesian government and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) in August 2005 has resulted in a drastic decline in the number of human rights violations in Aceh.
December 2005
Luhur Hertanto, Jakarta – Pollycarpus has been sentenced to 14 months jail by the Central Jakarta State Court. The verdict however, has failed to touch on the brains behind the murder of human rights activist Munir. The prosecution also failed to uncover the brains of the murder.
Nurvita Indarini, Jakarta – Although Pollycarpus Budihari Priyanto has been sentenced to 14 years jail, Munir’s wife, Suciwati, appears not to care. Suciwati is instead asking that the mastermind behind Munir’s murder be brought before the courts. Who is that?
Nurvita Indarini, Jakarta – The sentencing of Pollycarpus Budihari Priyanto was enlivened by a demonstration by hundreds of activists from the Solidarity Action Committee for Munir. But they were not demanding that Pollycarpus receive a heavier sentence – rather that the police investigate the other perpetrators of Munir’s murder.
Fitraya Ramadhanny, Jakarta – Around 200 demonstrators from the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) held an action in front of the State Palace demanding that the government uncover the mastermind behind Munir’s murder. The action – that ended at 3.45pm – was closed by a speech by Munir’s wife, Suciwati.
Fitraya Ramadhanny, Jakarta – Dissatisfied with the court’s decision to sentence Pollycarpus Budihari Priyanto to 14 years jail, around 200 activist from the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) have urged President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to try the mastermind behind the murder of human rights activist Munir.