Mike Wangge, Jakarta – Scores of activists made a breakthrough by holding a solidarity action to support human rights defenders Haris Azhar and Fatia Maulidiyanti at the Hotel Indonesia (HI) traffic circle in Central Jakarta.
Displaying 461-470 of 5066 Articles
January 2024
Reiner Brabar, Jayapura – Papuan students in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta have issued a statement containing five demands in response to the ongoing trial in the East Jakarta District Court that has ensnared human rights defenders Fatia Maulidiyanti and Haris Azhar.
Jakarta – As many as 20 individuals and a network of national and international civil society groups have sent an amicus curiae brief to the panel of judges at the East Jakarta District Court which is currently hearing a defamation case against human rights activists Fatia Maulidiyanti and
Muhammad Ridwan – On Tuesday January 2, President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo signed Law Number 1/2024 on the Second Amendment to Law Number 11/2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE). However the revisions to the law are still seen as containing problems.
Jakarta – The Labour Party held a protest action in front of the Elections Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) offices in Central Jakarta on Tuesday afternoon, January 2.
December 2023
Jakarta – Civil society activists from a cross-section of organisations suspect that there is a major effort on social media to spread disinformation or false narratives in order to trigger opposition to Rohingya refugees in Indonesia's northern-most province of Aceh.
Jayapura – The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) has stated that it was not involved in the torching of shop houses, assaults and vandalism in Jayapura Regency and Jayapura City during the convoy accompanying the body of the late former Papua governor Lukas Enembe (LE) on Thursday Dece
Bahodopi – The Association of Organisations (Poros) of Mourning Workers held a peaceful demonstration in front of the PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) offices in Fatufia Village in Central Sulawesi on Wednesday December 27.
Jakarta – The PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) has been flooded with criticism after a nickel smelter furnace belonging to PT Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel (ITSS) exploded killing 16 workers and injuring dozens more.
Muhammad Mutaqin, Jakarta – The Labour Party held a protest action in front of the United States Embassy in Central Jakarta on Thursday December 21 at which Labour Party president Said Iqbal called for an end to the Palestine-Israeli war and a permanent ce