Aryo Putranto Saptohutomo, Jakarta – Military observer Al Araf believes that the case of the Army personnel who were involved in the mutilation and murder of four civilians in Mimika should be used as a consideration for the government to reevaluate the military approach in resolving the conflict in Papua.
Displaying 991-1000 of 5066 Articles
September 2022
August 2022
Achmad Nasrudin Yahya, Jakarta – Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) has recorded that 61 people died during a series of 63 incidents of armed violence in Papua between 2021 and July 2022.
Jakarta – West Java Deputy Governor Uu Ruzhanul Ulum is proposing that husbands be allowed to be polygamous in order to bring down the number of HIV/AIDS sufferers among housewives. He said that religion does not prohibit husbands from practicing polygamy.
Fika Nurul Ulya, Jakarta – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Kurnia Ramadhana says that the political parties have no sense of shame if they nominate former corruption convicts as legislative candidates in the 2024 elections.
Jakarta – Former Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) senior investigator Novel Baswedan says that allegations that there is a gambling and narcotics group within the Indonesian police is just the tip of the iceberg.
Dian Erika Nugraheny, Jakarta – Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) Director Gufron Mabruri believes that President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's decision to push for the resolution of alleged human rights violations through non-judicial channels or outside the courts shows that his commitment to settling these cases is just political rhetoric.
Reiner Brabar, Sorong – The Greater Sorong Papua People's Petition (PRP) is continuing to hold actions protesting the formation of new autonomous regions (DOB) in the territory of West Papua. The latest action was held in front of the Elin Sorong traffic lights on Thursday August 23.
Markus You, Nabire – The process of uncovering the alleged gross human rights violations that took place in the Bloody Paniai case on December 8, 2014, has failed to reveal the senior officer who allegedly gave the command to shoot into the crowd, which resulted in five people being killed and 11 others being injured.
Jakarta – President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo believes that the democratic climate in Indonesia at the moment is very liberal. According to Widodo, a sign of this is freedom of expression which is increasingly free.
Ilham Rian Pratama, Jakarta – Activists from the National Alliance for Criminal Code Reform held a lively protest during a socialisation event titled "Draft Criminal Code Kick Off" (RKUHP Kick Off) at the Ayana Hotel in Central Jakarta on Tuesday August 23.