Dipo Negoro – At a press conference held at the Labour Party's executive committee (Exco) office in Jakarta on Wednesday September 13, Labour Party President Said Iqbal announced the names of the (new) choices for the Labour Party's presidential candidates (capres) in the
Political Parties & Elections
Displaying 41-50 of 110 Articles
October 2023
Bagus Santosa, Jakarta – A Kompas Research & Development (Litbang Kompas) survey for the period October 2023 found that the public's views are divided when asked about prohibiting political dynasties.
Aryo Putranto Saptohutomo, Jakarta – There are concerns that the 2024 presidential election will not run fairly or equally if President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's eldest son and Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka is one of the participants.
Although Indonesian's are used to the unethical and opportunistic behaviour of their corrupt and nepotistic politicians, many were still taken aback by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's blatant use of family connections to further his political ambitions.
Jakarta – The way is now wide open for Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka to step forward in the 2024 presidential elections.
Tazkia Royyan Hikmatiar – Hundreds of figures have joined together to issue a "Proclamation of Struggle" (Maklumat Juanda) as an expression of concern over a Constitutional Court's (MK) ruling on Monday October 16 on the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates.
Jakarta – A protest action by Greenpeace activists at the Hotel Indonesia (HI) traffic circle in Central Jakarta using a giant "oligarchy monster" was broken up by police on Friday October 6.
September 2023
Wahyu Suryana, Jakarta – The attendance of presumptive presidential and vice presidential candidates Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar at the wedding of Islamic Brotherhood Front (formerly the Islamic Defenders Front, FPI) spir
Aryo Putranto Saptohutomo, Jakarta – National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) senior political researcher Firman Noor says that President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's statement on having intelligence data on the internal workings and agenda of the political parti
Wahyu Gilang Putranto – The Civil Society Coalition for Security Sector Reform says that President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo is misusing the intelligence community for his own political interests.