Bagus Santosa, Jakarta – A Kompas Research & Development (Litbang Kompas) survey for the period October 2023 found that the public's views are divided when asked about prohibiting political dynasties.
In the survey that took place on October 16-18, Litbang Kompas asked the question, if there is a prohibition on political dynasties would that also be a restriction of other people's political rights?
The result was that as many as 47.2 percent of respondents felt that such a rule would restrict political rights.
Meanwhile as many as 41.9 of believe that the policy would not restrict political rights. 10.9 percent of respondents said they did not know.
On the other hand, 60.7 percent of respondents felt that if Solo Mayor and President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo eldest son Gibran Rakabuming Raka becomes a prospective vice presidential candidate (cawapres) this would represent part of a political dynasty.
Meanwhile there were 24.7 percent of respondents who believe that this would not represent a political dynasty and 14.6 percent answered that they did not know.
The survey was conducted by interviewing 512 respondents from 34 provinces. The sample was determined randomly by a Litbang Kompas respondent panel in accordance with the size of the population in each province.
This method had a 95 percent level of confidence and a 4.35 percent margin of error.
[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Survei Litbang 'Kompas': Suara Publik Terbelah soal Larangan Politik Dinasti".]