Man: Transacti-onal?
Political Parties & Elections
Displaying 531-540 of 996 Articles
September 2016
June 2016
Kid: Political beef trading (horse trading) is rampant, so why's beef so expensive Dad?
Table: Reshuffle, a ministerial post?, Power, Election Law
May 2016
Man: You need a draft law against extraordinary violence!
Kid: But you're too busy with political laws to stymie your opponents right Mr...
Jogja – Hundreds of workers from various trade unions in the Central Java province of Yogyakarta commemorated International Labour Day or May Day by declaring the formation of a mass organisation called “The House of the Indonesian People” during a rally in the centre of Yogyakarta city on May 1.
March 2016
Kid: Once again, we'll be buying a cat in a sack (lit: to buy something without knowing what it is) right Dad?
Headlines read: Independents vs political parties, regional elections, tripping someone up, political acrobatics, political bride price.
February 2016
Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI) chairperson Said Iqbal is again talking up the issue of mass dismissals (PHK), saying most recently that the wave of layoffs has also hit the pharmaceutical industry.
January 2016
Man: I am indeed thinking about it.
Kid: Think about me too Dad.
Box reads 'Regional Budget'
Kompas - January 20, 2016
September 2015
While regional elections slated for December 9 will be a watershed for Indonesia – with elections being held simultaneously in 269 regions throughout the country – little else has changed with candidates trotting out the same tired old promises which people know from experience won’t be kept once they’re elected.