Singgih Wiryono, Jakarta – National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Chairperson Ahmad Taufan Damanik has denied that the Free Papua Organisation (OPM) commander they met with recently was from a group cultivated by the TNI (Indonesian military) and the Polri (Indonesian police).
West Papua
Displaying 181-190 of 885 Articles
September 2022
Singgih Wiryono, Jakarta – Papua Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) Director Emanuel Gobay is urging the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) to declare the murder and mutilation of four civilians in Mimika, Papua, as a gross human rights violation.
Singgih Wiryono, Jakarta – The chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Papua representative office, Frits Ramadey, says that the murder and mutilation of four Papuan civilians in Mimika was premeditated and planned by the perpetrators two days beforehand.
Jayapura – Three weeks after the incident, a report on the murder and mutilation of four civilians from Nduga in Timika, Mimika regency, Papua, was raised at a United Nations Human Rights Council session on Monday September 12 at the UN offices in Geneva.
Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition for Security Sector Reform has again called on President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo to immediately stop using a militaristic security approach in dealing with the Papua problem.
Aryo Putranto Saptohutomo, Jakarta – Military observer Al Araf believes that the case of the Army personnel who were involved in the mutilation and murder of four civilians in Mimika should be used as a consideration for the government to reevaluate the military approach in resolving the conflict in Papua.
August 2022
Achmad Nasrudin Yahya, Jakarta – Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) has recorded that 61 people died during a series of 63 incidents of armed violence in Papua between 2021 and July 2022.
Reiner Brabar, Sorong – The Greater Sorong Papua People's Petition (PRP) is continuing to hold actions protesting the formation of new autonomous regions (DOB) in the territory of West Papua. The latest action was held in front of the Elin Sorong traffic lights on Thursday August 23.
Markus You, Nabire – The process of uncovering the alleged gross human rights violations that took place in the Bloody Paniai case on December 8, 2014, has failed to reveal the senior officer who allegedly gave the command to shoot into the crowd, which resulted in five people being killed and 11 others being injured.
Rizky Suryarandika, Jakarta – Human rights activist and lawyer for the families of the victims of the 2014 Paniai massacre in Papua, Younes Douw, has revealed the reluctance on the part of the families to attend the human rights trial hearing the case. The families object because only one person has been declared a suspect.