
June 2005

News – June 9, 2005

Alisa P, Jakarta – In a report on the results of the military operation over the two years that Aceh was under a state of emergency to members of the People’s Representative Assembly’s (DPR) Commission I, armed forces (TNI) chief General Endriartono Sutarto failed to mention the number of civilian casualties reporting only on the members of Free

Joint Statement – June 7, 2005

The following is a joint statement by Solidarity of People’s Movement for Aceh (SEGERA) and the Acehnese People’s Democratic Resistance Front (FPDRA).

The fourth round of Helsinki Talk ended last week. The informal talk resulted in several points of agreement between RI and GAM for drafting the formal agreements.

Kompas – June 7, 2005

Jakarta – The Minister of Defense, Juwono Sudarsono, says that the Helsinki meetings which are an informal forum for discussions between Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) are a personal initiative on the part of Vice-president Jusuf Kalla.

Tempo Interactive – June 6, 2005

Dwi Wiyana, Bandung – Army Chief General Djoko Santoso said the TNI (armed forces) duties’ are to safeguard the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Aceh. But he said if the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) continues to create disturbances armed clashes can’t be avoided.

Kompas – June 6, 2005

Jakarta – The Attorney General supports public floggings as punishment for cases of gambling in Aceh. This support was conveyed by the Attorney General when meeting with a number of Acehnese figures last week to discuss Qanun (by-law) Number 13/2003 on gambling which stipulates the punishment of public flogging.

Tempo Interactive – June 5, 2005

Agus Supriyanto, Jakarta – Tristanti Mitayani, a parliamentary member of Commission I, says she disagrees with the deputy speaker of parliament, Soetardjo Suryogoeritno, who said that the parliament is demanding that government end negotiations with Free Aceh Movement (GAM).

News – June 3, 2005

Luhur Hertanto, Jakarta – The People’s Representative Assembly (DPR) is free express its strident opposition to the Helsinki meetings but the government will not end the meetings which are aimed at reaching an agreement with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM).

News – June 3, 2005

Jakarta – The Human Rights Working Group (HRWG), a coalition of non-government organisations who are active in the field of human rights monitoring, are calling on the TNI (armed forces) so submit to and comply with policies issued by the civilian government, particularly policies seeking a peaceful or negotiated settlement to the Aceh conflict.

News – June 3, 2005

Anton Aliabbas, Jakarta – On Friday June 3, the People’s Representative Assembly (DPR) sent a letter of protest to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The DPR is asking the government not to continue negotiations with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) in Helsinki, Finland.

Media Indonesia – June 3, 2005

Jakarta – The government is being urged to end negotiations with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) because they are not producing any benefits and are even damaging Indonesia’s interests because of the involvement of foreign parties in the negotiations.

May 2005

Media Indonesia – May 24, 2005

Astrini D Anindita, Jakarta – The People’s Representative Assembly (DPR) is calling on the government to end negotiations with Free Aceh Movement (GAM) leaders in Helsinki because they believe that it does not benefit the Indonesian government.

Kompas – May 17, 2005

Jakarta – The reduction of Aceh’s status from a state of civil emergency to one of a civil authority must be seized as an opportunity to further increase the involvement of civil society.

Tempo Interactive – May 17, 2005

Agus Supriyanto, Jakarta – Non-government organisations from the Aceh Working Group (AWG) have welcomed the reduction of the state of civil emergency in Aceh to one of a civil authority that will begin on May 18.

Kompas – May 14, 2005

Medan – Punishment in the form of public floggings (hukum cambuk) for Muslims who violate Islamic law in Aceh will soon be implemented.

News – May 12, 2005

Luhur Hertanto, Jakarta – Don’t think that all of GAM’s (Free Aceh Movement) members fell victims to the tsunami. Recent armed contacts between GAM and the TNI (armed forces) in Aceh is evidence that GAM is actually even stronger.

Tempo Interactive – May 12, 2005

Sunariah, Jakarta – TNI (armed forces) chief General Endriartono Sutarto has revealed that post-tsunami there has been an increase in the number of Free Aceh Movement (GAM) members. It is suspected that GAM prisoners who escaped have rejoined GAM’s forces.

April 2005

Tempo Interactive – April 27, 2005

Jakarta – Coordinating Minister of People’s Welfare Alwi Shihab says that one of the clauses which is currently being prepared for foreign non-government organisations (NGOs) working in Aceh is that they not interfere in Indonesia’s domestic affairs.

News – April 21, 2005

M. Rizal Maslan, Jakarta – After holding two meetings in Helsinki, Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) have yet to sign an agreement. For as long as there is no agreement in black and white the TNI (armed forces) will reject a cease-fire with GAM.

March 2005

Tempo Interactive – March 10, 2005

Yuliawati, Jakarta – The People’s Representative Assembly’s Natural Disaster Relief Monitoring Team in Aceh and North Sumatra is asking the government to reconsider the presence of foreign volunteers so that they can remain in Indonesia longer.

February 2005

News – February 28, 2005

Melly Febrida, Jakarta – Armed forces (TNI) chief Endriartono Sutarto has guaranteed that recent peace negotiations which are being organised between the Indonesian government and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) will not influence the operation to restore security in Aceh.