Cow: If I’m contaminated with rat and scapegoat virus, is my meat still edible Mr?
Displaying 3261-3270 of 4947 Articles
February 2013
From an opinion piece titled Women and Religion
Man: Now we see their true spots (colours)...
January 2013
Kid: Every dry season the floods get forgotten, before there was talk about overcoming the floods, but it was just ‘will’, only now that Jakarta’s flooded, its all ‘will-will-will’ again. So who’s to blame Dad? The government?
Man: No! The water! Stupid!
Jakarta – The Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) and a number of Islamic mass organisations oppose attempts to ban female circumcision by any groups on the grounds that it represents a religious teaching, the implementation of which is a human right protected by the Indonesian constitution.
Sanusi: Rape? They might enjoy it right?
Man: It seems we all enjoy opening pornographic websites right Mr...
Educators say that the government’s insistence on emphasising religious studies and citizenship education at the expense of science, social studies and English in the new elementary school curriculum – supposedly to create honest and moral students – shows how little value is placed on critical thinking and is just another example of the tendenc
Baskets read: 2004, 2009 political party election pledges
Politician: We’ll give you some more later...
Man greeting President Yudhoyono: Wow... an impromptu visit... [but we need] solutions... not concerned speeches Mr!
Kid: As is being awaited in Poso, Papua, Bima, Mesuji, corruption prone regencies and so forth...