Labour & Migrant Workers

February 2018

News/Indonesia – February 6, 2018

Denpasar – It is estimated that economic disruption will result in the loss of between 45-50 million jobs in Indonesia in the near future.

This was revealed by National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) chief Bambang PS Brodjonegoro when quoting from the results of research by the international consulting group McKinsey.

January 2018

News/Indonesia – January 28, 2018

Jessi Carina, Jakarta – Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI) President Said Iqbal continues to heap praise on Jakarta Deputy Governor Jakarta Sandiaga Uno.

Uno was visiting the Kalisari RW03 administrative district in East Java on Sunday January 28 to meet with local residents. Iqbal also lives in the area.

December 2017

CNN Indonesia – December 29, 2017

Yuli Yanna Fauzie, Jakarta -- According to the Ministry of Labour (Kemenaker) a total of 9,822 workers were dismissed (PHK) between January and November 2017 involving 2,345 cases throughout Indonesia.

November 2017

Tribune – November 27, 2017

Alpen Martinus, Tondano – Scores of Manado State University (Unima) students from the Student Struggle Centre for National Liberation (Pembebasan), the Minahasa Progressive Women and individual pro-democracy activist held a solidarity action at the Unima main gate on Monday November 27.

Go Bekasi – November 20, 2017

Cikarang – On Monday November 20 some 644 PT Alpen Food Industry or PT Aice workers went on strike in protest against the ice cream company.

Mojok – November 15, 2017

Sarinah – The setting of the 2018 minimum wage has it seems has been full of drama compared with previous years. Newly elected Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and Deputy Governor Sandiaga Uno, who were earlier applauded and flattered “as high as the sky” by their trade union supporters, are now being labeled as liars.

News/Indonesia – November 2, 2017

David Oliver Purba, Jakarta – Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI) president Said Iqbal says that former Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok had far more courage in setting the provincial minimum wage (UMP) than the current Jakarta governor and deputy governor, Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno.

Kompas – November 1, 2017

Sign above door reads ‘Kuper (lack of attention) Fireworks Factory’

September 2017

Koran Perdjoeangan – September 23, 2017

Jakarta -- The Indonesian Metal Trade Workers Federation (FSPMI) and the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) will hold joint screenings (nobar) of the film G30S/PKI on the evening of Friday September 29 at the FSPMI headquarters parking lot on Jl. Pondok Gede No 11 in East Jakarta.

May 2017

News/West Papua
Metro TV – May 1, 2017

Timika – Thousands of workers in Mimika, West Papua, commemorated International Labour Day or May Day by demanding that the Indonesian government immediately resolve the problems at the PT Freeport Indonesia (PFI) gold and copper mine.