Jakarta – An online petition titled “Stop Ijin FPI” (No Permit for the Islamic Defenders Front) has appeared on the change.org website.
Documents containing the term 'Antara'
Jakarta – The mayor of the Acehnese provincial capital Banda Aceh, Aminullah Usman, has prohibited coffee shops from serving customers during shalat tarawih (evening prayers) during the holy fasting month of Ramadan.
Chandra Iswinarno – A commemoration of International Labour Day which was held at the Imbi Park in Jayapura, Papua, was only allowed to proceed for around 30 minutes. Nevertheless, the protesters who came from the Papuan Labour Movement (GBP) were still able to articulate a number of demands.
Jakarta – A number of people who said they came from the group PT Freeport Striking Workers joined the May Day commemorations in Jakarta today demanding that President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo fulfill the promise he made to the workers on February 13.
Feru Lantara, Depok – The Depok Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) in West Java has issued a letter supporting the Depok government’s decision to ban the screening of the film Memories of My Body (Kucumbu Tubuh Indahku) at cinemas throughout Depok.
Jakarta – National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara says the prosecution of past cases of gross human rights (HAM) violations is being hindered by the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) and there is nothing new in the AGO’s latest response.
Dewanto Samodro, Jakarta – International Women’s Day (IWD), which is commemorated every year on March 8 in Jakarta, was marked by a march from the Bank Indonesia traffic circle to the Aspiration Park in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta.
Luqman Hakim, Yogyakarta – Women activists from a number of different groups in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta are urging the House of Representatives (DPR) to immediately ratify the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU PKS) as a comprehensive mechanism to deal with sexual violence against women.
Luqman Hakim, Yogyakarta – An alliance of women’s groups in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta held a peaceful action at the zero kilometre point in front of the central post office on Friday March 8 to commemorate International Women’s Day (IWD) 2019.
Jakarta (Antara) – Hasanuddin XIV regional military commander Major General Surawahadi has released 600 TNI (Indonesian military) soldiers to provide security for the construction of the Trans Papua highway.
Jakarta – Military observer Khairul Fahmi from the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS) says that the plan to place active TNI (Indonesian military) officers in strategic positions in ministries and government institutions goes against the mandate of reformasi.
Abraham Utama – A debate about land use rights (HGU) controlled by a handful of businesspeople has come to the fore following the second presidential debate on Sunday February 17.
Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan expects that active TNI (Indonesian military) and Polri (National Police) officers will maintain their neutrality if they hold posts in government.
Evarianus Supar, Timika – A sole judge at the Timika District Court in West Papua, Saiful Amam, has rejected a pre-trail suit by three West Papuan National Committee (KNPB) activists against National Police Chief (Kapolri) Tito Karnavian, Papua Police Chief (Kapolda) Inspector General Martuani Sormin and Mimika District Police Chief (Kapolres) A
Padang – National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) chairperson Ahmad Taufan Damanik says that the move by the West Sumatra (Sumbar) provincial government to wage war on the deviant sexual behaviour of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people does not violate Human Rights (HAM).
Jay Akbar – Two politicians have recently joined the ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and the presidential campaign ticket of incumbent President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and vice presidential running mate Ma’ruf Amin: Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama alias BTP and Muchdi Purwoprandjono, who is better known as Muchdi PR.
Muhammad Ifdhal, Banda Aceh – Aceh Regional House of Representatives (DPRA) Commission VIII chairperson Ghufran Zainal Abidin says that Indonesia’s western-most province rejects the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU PKS) which is currently being deliberated by the House of Representatives (DPR).
Dieqy Hasbi Widhana – National Press Day, which falls on February 9, is a day to remember the murder of Radar Bali journalists Anak Agung Gede Prabangsa in 2009.
Jakarta – The National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan) says that opposition the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU PKS) has become a “hot potato” which is easy to manipulate in the lead up to the 2019 presidential election (pilpres).
Jakarta – The construction of a bridge on the Trans Papua road in Nduga, West Papua, will be finished by the army (TNI AD). The construction of the bridge was postponed following the December 2 fatal shooting of construction workers by the West Papua National Liberation Army.