Achmad Nasrudin Yahya, Jakarta – Three trade union confederations have agreed to revive the Indonesian Trade Union Council (MPBI) to fight the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation.
Documents containing the term 'Antara'
Jakarta – A number of civil society groups which reject the Draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation (RUU Ciptaker) have been intimidated by people from different groups.
Jakarta – Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Mahfud MD has stated that he is not interested in further examining the document containing data on Papuan political prisoners and people who died due to the conflict in Nduga, Papua, because they are incomplete.
Banda Aceh – Banda Aceh Mayor Aminullah Usman has banned residents from celebrating Valentine’s Day or the day of love on February 14.
Egi Adyatama, Jakarta – Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace Deputy Chairperson Bonar Tigor Naipospos says that there is no urgency for the government to build a tunnel of friendship connecting the Istiqlal Mosque and the St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral in Central Jakarta.
Astri Yuanasari, Lea Citra, Jakarta – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) researcher Kurnia Ramadhana believes that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is not serious about dealing with the bribery case involving ensuring a seat for a lawmaker from the ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) in the House of Representatives (D
M Yusuf Manurung, Jakarta – The public prosecutor handling the treason case against six Papua activists has rejected all of the arguments of the demurrer presented by the lawyers representing the six.
Not just rejected the demurrer’s arguments, the prosecutor also explained the aim of the treason charges to the panel of judges.
Lea Citra, Adi Ahdiat, Jakarta – The Labour Movement with the People (Gebrak) is urging the government to cancel plans to enact the Omnibus Law on Job Creation (Cilaka). Gebrak spokesperson Ilhamsyah says that the regulation will only benefit employers while harming workers’ groups.
M Yusuf Manurung, Jakarta – Six Papua activists who are defendants in a treason case performed the song Hindang Makendang before the hearing began at the Central Jakarta District Court on Monday January 20. The song was sung to the accompaniment of a guitar.
Muhammad Ridwa – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) regrets a statement by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo who said that Law Number 19/2019 on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has not weakened the fight against corruption.
Adi Ahdiat, Jakarta – The Mining Advocacy Network (Jatam) says that there are some 94 open pits on former mining sites which have yet to be restored or rehabilitated in East Kalimantan – the area earmarked for the construction of the country’s new capital city.
Adi Ahdiat, Jakarta – According to a report by the Mining Advocacy Network (Jatam), regions which have a large number of mining concessions were hit by some of the worst flooding in 2019.
Jakarta – The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has revealed that a number of alleged violations of standard operating procedures or protap by police took place during the high-school and university student protests in September 2019.
Jakarta – The legal team representing Surya Anta Ginting and three other Papua defendants charged with treason and criminal conspiracy submitted a demurrer (eksepsi) or note of objection against the public prosecutor’s indictment during a hearing at the Central Jakarta District Court on Monday January 6.
Jakarta – The advocacy team representing Novel Baswedan is urging the police to immediately reveal the intellectual actor behind the acid attack on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) senior investigator two years ago. The call follows revelations that the perpetrators of the attack are two active police officers.
Leon Kastayudha – Indonesia celebrates National Mother’s Day on December 22nd. As in other countries, Mother’s Day is a mainstream commemoration filled with gestures of appreciation to mothers, flowers, and or other commercial gifts.
Jakarta – Surya Anta and five other Papua activists heard the formal charges against them during the first hearing at the Central Jakarta District Court on Thursday December 19. Following their arraignment, Anta and the other defendants presented emotional speeches to the court.
Jakarta – The public prosecutor charged six Papua activists, Surya Anta, Charles Kossay, Dano Tabuni, Isay Wenda, Ambrosius Mulait and Arina Elopere with makar and criminal conspiracy during their formal arraignment at the first hearing at Central Jakarta District Court on Thursday December 19.
Jakarta – A civil society coalition calling themselves the People’s Front for Human Rights Bandung (Bara Hamba) is urging the Minister for Human Rights and Justice (Kemenkumham) to revoke the Human Rights Friendly City award which was recently given to the West Java provincial capital of Bandung.
Jakarta – The Secretary General of the Nusantara Traditional Community Alliance (AMAN) Rukka Sombolinggi says that traditional communities are desperately waiting for the ratification of the Draft Law on Traditional Communities in order to bring down the level of criminalisation.