Sabrina Asril, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia Executive Director Usman Hamid has criticised the response by presidential candidate number 2.
Documents containing the term 'Antara'
Krisiandi, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia says that the Indonesian government will violate human rights if it repatriates Rohingya refugees to their country of origin, Myanmar
Aryo Putranto Saptohutomo, Jakarta – The Corruption Eradication Commission's (KPK) independence score has plummeted since the enactment of Law Number 19/2019 which resulted in the agency coming under the authority of the executive.
Jakarta – Human rights activist and defendant in a defamation case, Fatia Maulidiyanti, claims she never insulted Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan personally in the Lord Luhut case.
Jakarta – Human rights activist and defendant in a defamation case, Haris Azhar, says that the public prosecutor is representing the ruling elite in the trial against him.
Jakarta – The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has ensured that thousands of illegal oil palm companies operating in forest area have been exonerated or legalised thanks to the Omnibus Law on Job Creation.
Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) has caught wind of various potential violations, fraud and abuse of authority in the election of presidential and vice presidential candidates on February 14, 2024.
Jakarta – After being held in Jakarta, Defend Palestine actions have also taken place in Bekasi, West Java. Although being held on Car Free Day (CFD), the action proceeded in an orderly fashion with tens of thousands filling Jalan Ahmad Yani in Bekasi city on Sunday November 12.
Jakarta – The Setara Institute for Peace and Democracy is urging Anwar Usman to resign from his position as a Constitutional Court (MK) judge after being proven to have committed a serious violation of the ethics code due to a conflict o
Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – The results of a Charta Politika survey on October 26-31 show that almost half of respondents or 48.9 percent believe that Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka is not fit to run as a vice presidential candidate (cawapres) in the 2024 presidential elections.
Dani Prabowo, Jakarta – Human Rights activist Usman Hamid says that the statement by Defense Minister and presidential hopeful Prabowo Subianto, who said that the riots in Rempang, Riau Islands, were a result of foreign interference, belittles the Re
Novianti Setuningsih, Jakarta – Human rights activist (HAM) Usman Hamid has alluded to the track records of the presidential and vice presidential candidates (capres-cawapres), in particular Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka,
Dipo Negoro – At a press conference held at the Labour Party's executive committee (Exco) office in Jakarta on Wednesday September 13, Labour Party President Said Iqbal announced the names of the (new) choices for the Labour Party's presidential candidates (capres) in the
Jakarta – The way is now wide open for Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka to step forward in the 2024 presidential elections.
Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) has revealed that it found 59 incidents of violence committed by the members of the TNI (Indonesian military) between October 2022 and September 2023.
Sabrina Asril, Jakarta – A House of Representatives (DPR) plenary meeting on Thursday September 29, 2022, agreed to remove Constitutional Court (MK) justice Aswanto, even though his tenure was not due to end until 2029.
Jakarta – A protest action in front of the Pohuwato regent's office in Gorontalo province, on Thursday September 21, has ended in chaos, with protesters torching the regent's office after earlier vandalising the offices of the Pohuwato Regional House of Representatives (DPRD).
Singgih Wiryono, Jakarta – Commemorating 19 years since the assassination of renowned human rights activists Munir Said Thalib on September 7, 2004, human rights activist Usman Hamid along with Once Mekel and the musical group The Blackstones, have launched
Jakarta – The Capital City Civil Society Coalition held a demonstration in front of the Jakarta City Hall on Wednesday August 16. They were urging the Jakarta provincial government to immediately overcome the worsening problem of air pollution.
Wahyu Setiawan, Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition says that the revisions to the Information and Electronic Transaction (ITE) Law are undemocratic.