Jakarta – University of Indonesia epidemiologist Pandu Riono is questioning the grounds for the government changing the emergency Enforcement of Restrictions on Public Activities (PPKM) rules on places of worship. As has been reported, places of worship are now allowed to open.
Documents containing the term 'Antara'
Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition for Public Health is calling on the government to apologise over the state of the Covid-19 pandemic which they say is getting out of control.
Sania Mashabi, Jakarta – The initiator of the citizen data platform LaporCovid-19, Irma Hidayana, says that current the state of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is because the government failed to implement effective prevention measures at the start of the pandemic.
Wahyuni Sahara, Jakarta – A number of parties ranging from medical experts to politicians are urging the government to reapply large scale social restrictions (PSBB) or a lockdown to contain the surge in Covid-19 cases.
Pematang Siantar – North Sumatra regional police have arrested three people over the murder of Mara Salem Harahap or Marsal (42), a Media Online journalist in Simalungun regency, North Sumatra, who was shot dead on June 18.
Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) has recorded that 938 demonstrators have been arrested on the grounds of violating health protocols since the corona virus (Covid-19) pandemic began early last year.
Jakarta – Activists from Fukushima Anti-Nuclear Indonesia (IANFU) held a protest action commemorating International Ocean Day on Tuesday June 8 demanding that the Japanese government not dispose of nuclear reactor coolant waste into the Pacific Ocean.
Jakarta – The armed conflict in Papua has escalated recently with a series of armed contacts being unavoidable and more loss of life.
The West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organisation (TPNPB-OPM) has also warned all Indonesians working in Papua to immediately leave the land of the Bird of Paradise as Papua is known.
Deti Mega Purnamasari, Jakarta – The People's Justice and Prosperity Party (Prima) was officially declared as a new party on the evening of Tuesday June 1.
The party was declared by several ex-central leaders of the People's Democratic Party (PRD) at the Usmar Ismail Film Centre in Jakarta.
Tatang Guritno, Jakarta – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) suspects that there has been an endeavor to terminate a number of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) employees carried out by third parties.
Jakarta – The leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has conferred with the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) and the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) on the fate of the 75 anti-graft agency employees who failed the pass the civics knowledge or nationalism test required for them to become state c
Markus You, Nabire – With the exception of a mass protest against racism on the grounds of the Papua governor's office on August 19, 2019, Victor Yeimo was never involved in the subsequent protest action on August 29 in Jayapura city which ended in a riot.
Ambon – The Ambon and Lease Islands municipal police in Maluku have declared three people suspects for flying the banned South Maluku Republic (RMS) independence flag in the Village of Ulath in Saparua sub-district, Central Maluku regency.
Maharani, Jakarta – Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) Director Asfinawati says that President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo is responsible for efforts to weaken the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) which have become apparent recently.
Rakhmat Nur Hakim, Jakarta – The government's decision not to repeal the Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) Law is not in accordance with the spirit touted by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo when he initially responded to the polemic over the catchall or ambiguous articles in the law.
Rahel Narda Chaterine, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia says that labeling armed groups in Papua as terrorist has the potential to add to the long list of human rights violations in the region.
Rahel Narda Chaterine, Jakarta – National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Deputy Commissioner Amiruddin Al-Rahab said he is disappointed with the government's decision to pin the terrorist label on armed criminal groups (KKB) in Papua.
Tatang Guritno, Jakarta – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) is questioning the disappearance of two names in the indictment against former Social Affairs Minister Juliari Batubara prepared by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) public prosecutor.
Jakarta – Transparency International (TII) Indonesia says that 40 out of the 90 coal-fired power plant (PLTU) companies in the country have directors or commissioners who have a conflict of interest or are politically exposed persons (PEPs).
Tatang Guritno, Jakarta – PT Pertamina did not immediately respond to protests by local people about a pungent petrol like smell in the vicinity of the Balongan oil refinery in Indramayu, West Java.